College and University Graduates 1897

West Durham Boys and Girls win Many Gold Medals, first Class Honors and Fellowships

The youth of West Durham and graduates of Bowmanville High School in attendance at the various seats of higher education have so eclipsed themselves in their attainments and standing in the examinations this year that special mention in this journal is certainly due them.

We have endeavoured to get particulars in each case so as to make their position clear; and to ourselves they are so clear that we cannot see how anyone can avoid feeling very, very proud of the way the community has been represented at the leading institutions of learning in Canada. Three gold medals two valuable scholarships, and a long array of 1st and 2nd class honours is a showing that should create a glow of pride and cause feelings of satisfaction to suffuse the hearts of the people of West Durham as well as of their immediate relatives. Boys and girls, you have done nobly. Accept our warmest congratulations; and may your future success be at least on a par with the record you have made for yourselves during this glorious Diamond Jubilee year of 1897.

We feel additionally proud because of the noble stand taken by you as pupils of our High School, a stand that few, if any, of the Collegiate Institutes of the Province have attained and one equalled by no other High School. We would be pleased if any West Durham boy or graduate of the High School who is over looked in this column would notify us of our failure to record his success.

Mr. J. H. Elliott of Hampton, son of Mr. Henry Elliott, jr., merchant, who took his degree of Bachelor of Medicine with honours, in order to secure which it was necessary to take honours each year of the course in Toronto University. He is the only one of his class to win this worthy distinction, having lead his class each year. He was awarded the George Brown Memorial Scholarship in Medical Science, which is given annually to the student distinguishing himself most during his undergraduate course in the subjects of Anatomy, Biology, Physiology and Pathology. The holder of the scholarship during the year of tenure is required to engage in original research in one of the laboratories of the University on some subject of learning on the advancement of medical science, the laboratory providing the material for the investigation. This scholarship is worth about $250. Dr. Elliott also won the first gold medal for the very high standing he made in his final examinations.

Mr. R. O. Jolliffe, son of Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, graduated a Bachelor of Arts, standing first in the Department of Classics in the University of Toronto. He was awarded the McCaul Gold Medal for his high standing in a special competitive examination in Classics.

Miss M. Mosetta James, eldest daughter of Mr. M. A. James, concluded her course at the Ontario Ladies College with honour to herself and teachers. She merited the Gold Medal presented by R. C. Hamilton, Esq., of Toronto; to the graduate making the highest standing in vocal music. She not only obtained 1st class honours but is credited with attaining the highest standing of any vocal graduate in the history of the institution.

Mr. F.O. Trebilcock, eldest son of Mr. P. Trebilcock, entered Trinity Medical College at New Years and finished his first term in April, leading his class with 1st class honours, and winning the First Scholarship, value $50—a record seldom equalled in that college.

Messrs. F. W. Barlow, H. Prust and Jas. Newsom completed their first year at Trinity Medical College, the two former with 1st class honours and the latter with 2nd class honours.

Mr. F. A. Parker, son of Rev. C. Parker, finished his course at the Agricultural College, Guelph, and graduated with honours a Bachelor of Scientific Agriculture.

Mr. Fred Vanstone, son of Mr. J. C. Vanstone, graduated from the Central Business College, Toronto, leading his class with an average unattained by any other student in the history of the College.

Mr. F. W. O. Werry, son of Mr. Peter Werry, Tyrone, graduated a Bachelor of Arts at Toronto University, standing first in the department of Physics and missed the gold medal by a very few marks only.

Mr. H. W. Foley, son of Mr. W. Foley, Maple Grove, graduated a Bachelor of Arts with 2nd class honours in general proficiency—a very creditable stand.

Miss Viola Gilfillan, daughter of Mr. Jas. Gilfillan, B.A., completed; her third year in Toronto University, passing her examinations with honours in Modern Languages.

Mr. S. J. Courtice, son of Mr. James Courtice, Darlington, took 2nd class honours in Physics and Mathematics in the second year examinations at Toronto University.

Mr. Jas. P. Berry, son of Mr. Elias Berry, Clarke, took 2nd class honours in Philosophy in his second year examination at Toronto University.

Mr. A. N. Mitchell in his first year in Toronto University ranked 3rd in class A in Ancient History; with honours in English and French.

Messrs. Neil and Jas. Colville were successful in the examinations of the second and third year in the Faculty of Medicine in Toronto University.

Mr. M. W. Pascoe of Solina was successful in his third year examinations at the Trinity Medical College.

Messrs. T. F. Perkin and Jas. Devitt passed their first year examinations in the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto.

Miss M. O. Eastwood of Whitby graduated in Arts at Toronto University, with 2nd class honours in the general proficiency course. She was a pupil of Bowmanville High School.

Mr. T. G. Bragg, B.A., son of Mr. Rich. Bragg, of Toronto University and winner of several valuable scholarships at matriculation and during his course at the school of Pedagogy and comes well recommended to a position on the faculty of Bowmanville High school, where he made a brilliant career as a student.

Mr. C. Everett Brown, son of Mr. I. L. Brown, Hampton, graduated with honours from Bowmanville High School a few years ago and has since been a successful teacher has just finished his term at Toronto school of Pedagogy.

Miss E. R. Brown of Enniskillen and Mr. D. McDonald, town, have been in attendance at the Normal School, Toronto, and graduated at Commencement Friday night last.

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