Cavan Township Old Documents
In the year 1820 seven families came from the north of Ireland and settled on the 12th Concession of Cavan, receiving their grants of land from the Crown; the seven were: Robert Morrow, William McIndoo, Robert Maharry, John Crozier, Moses Blackstock, John Liviston, and another Robert Maharry, a cousin of the first mentioned, who took up his grant on the 13th Line. James McGill and John Seeney were among other pioneers who came from Ireland a year or two later and also located on the 13th. But of the original settlers only one family, that of Mr. Thomas McIndoo, is still living on the homestead received direct from the Crown, his son, Matthew, making the fourth generation on the land which his great-grandfather and grandfather cleared. Mr. McIndoo has some very old documents in his possession, interesting, both because of age and contents, one of these being his grandfather’s certificate of membership in the Masonic Lodge, the address reading: “Brother William McIndoo, Certificate from Lodge No. 753, Rooskey, County Cavan, Ireland. Admitted June 4th, 1804. Declared May 16th, 1820.”
The certificate is as follows:
“To all whom it may concern: We hereby certify that the bearer, Brother William McIndoo, is a regular Master Mason of Lodge No. 753, held in Rooskey, in the County of Cavan and Kingdom of Ireland, and during his stay with us he behaved himself an honest and faithful Brother, and as such we do recommend him to all regular Masons round the globe. Given under our hands this 16th day of May 1820 and of Masonry 5820. I. L. Parr, Master; Thos. Parr, S. Warden; David Wiggin, J. Warden; Wm. Lucas; S.C.Y. Warden
Equally Interesting
Another equally interesting paper also dating back for 103 years is “William McIndoo’s Certificate from the Royal Arch Chapter, Lodge No. 753, Rooskey, County Cavan, Ireland.”
“Now we recommend you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ to withdraw yourself from every brother that walketh disorderly.
“We the High Priest, &c., &c., of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch superexcellent Masons, held under the sanction of Lodge No. 753, in the Town of Rooskey, in the County of Cavan and Kingdom of Ireland, do hereby certify that the bearer, William McIndoo, a Past Master of said Lodge, was by us Installed and Initiated into the Most Sublime Degree of Royal Arch superexcellent Masonry, he having with due Honour and Justice to the Royal Community justly satisfied the amazing trials of skill and valour attending his admission, and as such we recommend him to all Royal Arch superexcellent Masons round the Globe.
“Given under our Hands and Seal of our Lodge in our Lodge Room at Rooskey, this 16th day of May, A. 1820, and of Masonry 5820. L. L. Par[r] H. P.; Thos. Parr, 1st G. G.; David Wiggin, 2nd G. G.; Edward Mahood, S.G.W.; John Bannon, J.G.W.; L. Phillips, Secy.”
Beautifully Written
Both these certificates are beautifully written on thick parchment paper, yellowed by age but neither torn nor broken, the large seal on the first with attached ribbon being in blue colour, and on the second red. Mr. McIndoo has also his father’s certificate of membership in the “Loyal Orange Association of British North America.” “Fear God, “ “Honour the King,” are axioms each side of King William’s picture, and below, the date, 1620 with the words: “Glorious, Pious, and Immortal Memory.” The place, “County of Peterborough, District of Peterborough, Held at Peterborough.”
“We, the Master, Deputy Master, and Secretary of the Caledonian Loyal Orange Lodge No. 484, do certify that brother Matthew McIndoo has regularly received the Degree of a True, Orange, Purple, Blue and Royal Arch Marksman in this, our Association, and that he has conducted himself during his stay among us to our satisfaction. We therefore request that all regular Associations of the Universe do recognize him as such.
“Witness our Hands and Seals this Twenty-ninth day of September 1854. Thomas Chambers, Master; Wm. Baxter, Deputy Master; Wm. Eastland, Secretary.
“Love the Brotherhood.” “No Surrender.” “Maintain the Laws.” Printed at Peterborough Review Office.”
The lettering in the above is in yellow, red and blue, and in the lower left-hand corner is affixed a large red seal.
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