CAVAN SHOW - 1850 (Concluded from our last.)
It is now time for me to confine myself to matters relating to the Exhibition.
Notwithstanding the lack of progression which was very apparent, the happy and cheerful faces of all present showed that the pleasure of such a meeting was delightful to their feelings and that each fully participated in the enjoyment of so pleasing and rural a scene and seemed to duly appreciate the opportunity thus afforded for a mutual exchange of ideas and hints on improvements connected with the tillage of the soil, and the different breeds of stock, &c.
The show of Horses was very good, particularly the 2-year colts belonging to Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Lund; Mr. Howden’s and Mr. Redmond’s foals were much admired. The number and quality of Sheep was highly creditable; Mr. Scott’s Leicester Rams and Ewes, Mr. Benson’s half bred Leicester Ewes and lambs and Mr. Richardson’s Merino Rams and Ewes, were all superior and their owners are entitled to great praise.
The quality of Wheat and other grain, brought upon the ground was very small, and the quality, with one or two exceptions, inferior.
For the productions of the Dairy there were very few competitors, but the quality of the Butter could not, I think, be exceeded, and it was with considerable difficulty that the judges decided whether Mrs. Sutton or Mrs. Lough should bear off the palm. Mrs. Lough had been the successful competitor in ’48, at which exhibition I may observe by the way there was a very large display of excellent Butter. While descanting upon this delicious article of food I would strongly impress upon the minds of dairy-women the necessity that exists for attending properly to the making of Butter which, if well made and packed in neat, good firkins, would give a profitable return for a little extra care. Mr. Thomas Garnett carried off the prize for cheese; Mr. Nattrass and Mr. Fallis, for the grunter (?) and Mr. Scott, Mr. Richardson and Mr. Thompson for various descriptions of Cloths, and these domestics showed a marked improvement in this department of home manufacture. The premiums for White, (unreadable), and Swedish Turnips were awarded respectively to Mr. Sisson and Mr. Staples, some of each weighing 23lbs, they were whoppers. The Ploughing-Match excited its usual share of interest, the competitors performing their work in a creditable manner.
The President, Mr. Knowlson, exercised his usual care and vigilance in assisting in the important task of selecting fit and proper persons to act as Judges, and these in their decisions, certainly, gave universal satisfaction. Both patience and perseverance are necessary ingredients for the President of an Agricultural Society in Canada to be possessed of; there are so many difficulties and prejudices to overcome that it is plain it is all “up hill work” to nurse such an institution and keep it together. Mr. Knowlson has announced his intention of resigning unless he sees some manifest signs of improvement in the Society soon.
After the Judges had decided all the matters submitted to them, twenty members sat down to an excellent substantial dinner, prepared by Mr. Scott in his usual good style. After justice had been done, by all present, to the good things thus provided, the names of the successful competitors were called out by the acting Secretary, Mr. W. Armour, who performed the duties devolving upon in a very satisfactory manner. (Our late lamented Secretary, Mr. Tupper, was then confined to a sick bed, and his life has since terminated.)
After this, some athletic exercises were entered upon by some of the youngsters, while others engaged in leaping their horses over bars and rails of various heights; one of the riders, a young lad of 12 years of age, a son of Mr. Foster, attracted particular attention. All this added to the amusement of the day, which passed off with perfect good feeling, and on occasions of this kind, much more pleasure is experienced than on many other days of public gatherings and much less for future regret.
The following is a list of the successful competitors: -
Robert Howden, best Mare and Foal. Samuel Redmond, second do do.
Matthew Gardiner, best 2 year old Colt. Richard Lund, 2nd do do.
Richard Thexton, best 1 year Colt. James Fallis, 2nd do do.
William Scott, best long wooled Ram, William Scott 2nd do do.
Cuthbert Richardson, best short wool Ram.
William Scott, best short wooled Ewes. Cuthbert Richardson, 2nd do do.
Stephen Benson, best Lambs.
John Nattrass, best Boar. James Fallis, 2nd do do.
Thomas Nattrass, best Breeding Sow. Richard Staples 2nd do do.
William Scott, best piece Fancy Cloth. J. Thompson 2nd do do
Cuthbert Richardson, best plain Grey Cloth, John Thompson 2nd do do.
Samuel Redmond, best Fall Wheat. John Thompson 2nd do do.
Samuel Redmond, best Spring Wheat. John Thorn 2nd do do.
Cuthbert Richardson, best Oats, white and black.
Richard Sutton, best Butter.
Thomas Garnett, best Cheese.
John Knowlson, best Indian Corn.
Thomas Sisson, best white Turnips. Robert Staples, best Swedes do.
Robert Staples best-sawed boards.
William Berry, best Lumber Wagon, and best Manure Fork.
John Thorn, first Ploughing; Edward Richardson 2nd do, Joseph Thorne 3rd do.
I am, Mr. Editor,
Your most obedient servant,
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