Johnston Family of Manvers Twp.


My JOHNSTON ancestors settled in Manvers Township in about 1851, and I am

hoping that they might deserve some mention in your web page which deals with

the early settlers of Manvers.

Charles JOHNSTON was born August 12, 1800 in Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, and died

August 12, 1881 in Manvers Township, Durham Co., Ontario, Canada. He married

Margaret IVINE about 1822 in Co. Fermanagh, Ireland. She was born August 19,

1802 in Pettigo, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, and died January 8, 1889 in Manvers

Township, Durham Co., Ontario, Canada.

Notes for Charles JOHNSTON:

Assignment: James MAGILL to Charles JOHNSTON of the south half of Lot 9 in

the 13 Concession, Manvers Township, dated 23 May 1857 and registered 1st

September 1860, Department of Crown Lands, Quebec. (Archives of Ontario)

Obituary published in the Canada Post, September 2, 1881: "Janetville. Mr.

Charles Johnston, aged eighty-one years, passed away a few days ago to his

reward after a protracted illness, which he bore with resignation to the

Devine will. He has been living near this village between twenty and thirty

years and was much respected in the community. His remains were interred in

the B.C. cemetery and a funeral sermon preached by Rev. J. Whitlock to an

attentive audience. The deceased was for many years a member of the C.M.

church, but about ten years ago he withdrew and attended the B.C. church. He

leaves a widow and several children to mourn his loss."

Will of Charles JOHNSTON, farmer, of Manvers Township, Durham Co., Ontario.

Date signed: August 8, 1881. Date of death: August 11, 1881. Date of

probate: June 4, 1882. (Probate record and copy of will from records of Her

Majesty's Surrogate Court of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham)

Obituary published in the Victoria Warder, Friday, January 25, 1889:

"Janetville. It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of one of Manvers'

early settlers, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, relict of the late Charles Johnston,

whose demise took place on Jan. 8th at the ripe age of 85 years. Mrs.

Johnston was born in the town of Petigo, County Fermanagh, Ireland, and

emigrated to Canada in the year 1822. Arriving at Picton they remained there

a few years and then removed to Belleville, where Mr. Johnston cleared 100

acres. The land being full of stones he sold it and came to Manvers in 1852,

bought a bush farm and cleared it. His death took place 8 years ago, Mrs.

Johnston surviving him that length of time. The family have the sympathy of

the neighborhood in their bereavement."

Best Regards,

Joseph D. Johnston

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