Prepared for the Woman's Institute, 1945 by Mary J. E. Katerson

Note: - The information upon which this local history is based has been derived principally from Dr. J. M. Elliott's "History of Hampton Mills" and clippings saved by the late Mrs. R. Katerson from local papers throughout the years.

The aboriginal inhabitants were the Mississauga Indians. Parts of the Township were surveyed in 1791-2-3.

The first settlers here to the south were U. E. Loyalists and at Port Darlington (now Bowmanville) in 1794 when the nearest settlements were 30 miles to the west and Port Hope at 20 miles on the east and the grist mill 60 miles away (Myers Mill) at the foot of Lake Ontario, taking two weeks to go and return, using a canoe and hauling it on shore at night. If a storm came up they were weather-bound until it passed over.

Some of the settlers had brought large coffee mills with them and these were often used to grind or crack grain until their husband returned. Other contrivances were made by hollowing out a stump, placing the corn in cavity and pounding with a crude pestle. The finest of this was made into johnnycake, the coarse being boiled into mush. Another article of food was found in the wild rice. This was first parched, then pounded and either made into cakes or boiled and made a healthful absorbent when taken with animal food.

The Indians carried arms and at times were very troublesome. Capt. John Trull relates an incident, which occurred when he was a boy. His father had gone to Myers Mill when a squaw with four papooses came to their home and asked his mother for Nah-paw-nee (flour). His mother refused as that article was very scarce; the squaw searched the house and found the flour in a kneading trough. She brought it out, dividing it equally to every one in the room, putting her portion in a bag and travelled back through the woods.

Among the earliest settlers to the north of Hampton was the late John Farley who owned 800 acres. Other early settlers were John Williams, George Smith, William Brown, James Tole, G. Whitaker, Jas. Cotton, King Parker, F. McLean, John Cowan, D. Davis, and D. Griffin, who was the first blacksmith on lot 16, concession 5.

James Cryderman, Hampton, father of the late H. Cryderman, Bowmanville, was born on lot 22, concession 2, in 1825. His grandfather was a U. E. Loyalist. His father, Michael Cryderman, moved to this locality from the Township of Westminster a few weeks previous to James' birth. Mr. Burke built the first sawmill and sold it to Luther Price, then Mr. Cryderman bought it in 1839. The first Methodist preaching service was held that same year at Solomon Tyler's where also the first class was formed, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Tyler and Mr. and Mrs. Cryderman. Mr. Cryderman was appointed leader by Rev. R. Richardson, afterwards known as Bishop Richardson of the M. E. Church. Mr. Cryderman was the first local preacher in Darlington.. The first school house in Darlington centre, which was also used as a church was built in 1840 on the farm of Michael Cryderman where he moved from the front in 1839. It was named Mount Pleasant by Rev. D. Wright who dedicated it and was its first preacher. It was used jointly by the Bible Christians. Rev. John H. Eynon was the first Bible Christian preacher. The first school teacher was Thomas Sloan, a Scotsman.

Mr. and Mrs. Elford, Sr., were regular attendants to Mount Pleasant Church and long after this church was closed, their horse would regularly go to church and remain in the shed long enough for service and return home. The first Sunday School was opened in 1841 or 1842 with Thomas Stripp, superintendent; teachers were John Lyle and John Farley. The first anniversary and tea of this school was held in the woods on Marshall Cryderman's farm. Mr. Sumpter, merchant at Bowmanville, attended the tea and treated all the children to candies, thus making his name famous among the families.

There was a cemetery near the Cryderman home but it is now a ploughed field and headstones lying against the fence.

Henry Elliott, Sr., who learned the trade of miller at Buck's Mills, Devon, came to Canada in 1831 in the little barque "Bolina", reaching Bideford, P.E.I. in June. With the same boat they called at Quebec. Then thirty passengers came on by batteau to Kingston. Elliott then travelled by steamer to Smith's Creek (Port Hope), where he went ashore in a large landing boat, there being as yet no wharf. He was promptly engaged by John D. Smith in the mills his father, Elias Smith built in 1797-8. In a memorandum book it is recorded that his wages for 1837 were to be £44.0.0, part in goods. He paid for board from April 29th 1832 to August 29th 1832 the amount of £3.14.8.

In 1839 Henry Elliott Sr. moved to Darlington (now Bowmanville) and was miller for Bowman and Company, then under the management of John Simpson. For one year and seven days work he received £85.17.3.

In 1840 Henry Elliott Sr. purchased 65 acres on which the greater part of the village of Hampton now stands. This included the mill privilege and the frame of the grist mill which had been erected by William Lee of Clarke at the west side of the present dam. The travelled road was then on the west side of the stream and led up through Mount Pleasant, loosing itself in the dense bush above Michael Cryderman's saw mill.

The Township was covered with forest, some of which had to be removed before the farmer could erect his buildings or raise a crop. Most of the settlers were sturdy immigrants from the British Isles, chiefly from England, who came to rough it till the land responded to the toiler's plough or hoe. Timber in those days was of little value and fortunes went up in smoke. Bear, deer and wolves disappeared with the woods. Wives occasionally were obliged to grind wheat with a coffee mill until their husbands would return with flour from Port Hope.

People read and talk a lot about the builders of Canada and the men who planned our canals, railways, harbours and airways. None were greater than those who went into the unbroken forests, cleared the land and harnessed the streams to serve the wants of men and make possible what we now enjoy.

For that first grist mill here, the machinery was brought from Cobourg and the mill stone from Port Hope, a tub wheel was installed for power and the mill began operation in the fall of 1841 with a capacity of 40 to 50 bushels a day. Entries in mill account books show purchases of wheat at 4/9, rye 2/3 per bushel in October 1841, and flour in November 60 pounds for 7/6 ($1.46).

Relatively few of the earlier industries of Ontario survive today, particularly those established when the present Province of Ontario was Canada West in the Province of Canada; fewer still of those established before Upper Canada merged with Lower Canada to form the Province of Canada, but the milling industry in Hampton dates back 105 years.

Most of our early towns and villages were built on or near the Great Lakes, as the waterways were the great means of transportation. As the country became settled industries began to develop and these were to be found along the creeks and rivers which could supply waterpower. Hence the fact that most of our towns have a stream passing through or near them.

Hampton had a similar origin. After the gristmill was running nicely, Mr. Elliott built a sawmill to manufacture the necessary lumber for building his house and houses for workmen and their families. He had a store in his house and later a large store to supply their needs and cooper shops to make barrels for shipping flour.

With no railroad to Bowmanville before 1854, and with navigation closed through the winter, local industries developed to supply local needs. In and near the village, the creek supplied water power between 1840 and 1856 to increasing number of mills which finally were - one tannery, two saw mills, one grist mill, one mill for full cloth, one woolen mill. They were all in or within a mile of the village along the creek. Using water for industrial purposes, were also two cooper shops, two wagon shops, two blacksmith shops and soon after, a pump shop and a cheese factory.

When Henry Elliott Sr. first came the nearest house on the south was that of Duncan Malcolm, on the road to Darlington, along the West Bank of the creek. Small houses or shanties were built for workmen and tradesmen and it was soon necessary to subdivide the property into building lots.

The first shoemaker, George Blair in 1845 is charged £1 for one years rent and when he left in 1845 he is credited with £10 for the building lot he had bought. (Transcriber's note: - The original typescript gives the year of 1845 in both cases. We believe that Mr. Blair left about 1885.) For 50 pounds of Indian meal 2/6 is charged.

Amoung the early customers are Michael Cryderman, Patrick Carey, Thomas Greenaway, James Woodley, Hiram Stanley, Fernaday Potter, James McLaughlin, Solomon Hooper, John Bray, Yankee Elliott (10th Con.), James McDonald, George Witheridge, David Davis, Mr. Jack, Richard Moore, Eliza Toole, Archibald Thompson, Thomas Yeo, John Mitchell, Joe Archer, Richard Hawkey, Andrew Hawkey, Andrew Peters, William Brown, John Williams, John Andrews, John Farley, John Goyne, John Wilcox, High Oke, Robert McCoy, Phillip Phillips, Robert Nesbit.

Among the Cartwright accounts for wheat purchased or flour sold, the books show in 1842, Thomas Crozier, John Crozier, D. Hooey, Henry Caesar, Francis Bambridge, William Vance, Francis Grigson; in 1843, James Caesar, Thomas White, William Argue; in 1845, Jas. Parr, Mathew Devitt, Robert Philip, John Landell. There are also Bruces, McLaughlins, Beacocks, Bradburns, Devitts, Axworthys, Tooleys and others.

Items of interest charged in Henry Elliott's accounts of 1845-1848 are two buffalo robes at 27/6 ($5.50) each; 4 horse blankets at 4/3 (.85¢); 1 box tea, 55lbs at 3/1 (.62¢); 1 jar of 20, 3/4 lb snuffs at 1/ 4 (.27¢); 3 snuff boxes at 10d; 3 snuff boxes at 7 1/2d; 56 lbs. Pioneer tea at 2/8 ½; 1 keg, p2 lbs, saleratus at 1/4d per lb.; 100 lbs. Rice 27/6; 2 lbs. Indigo at 6/3; 1 doz. Scythes 42/6; 1 doz. Snaths 25/-; 3 lbs. Thread 2/6; 1 keg, 262 nails 31/3; weighing and shipping 1000 bushels wheat 2.1.8. salt varied from 10/- to 14/- per lb.; a leghorn hat was 5/-, and eggs in 1847 were 4 pence per dozen.

(Transcribers note. The amounts, conversions and weights are as listed in the typescript but should not be accepted without question.)

In 1841 and 1842 the books are entered as in Darlington, but in 1843 Millville appears. Locally Shantytown was the appellation in 1841 and 1842, then Elliott's Mills. In Smith's Canadian Gazetteer for 1846 the village is described as Millville or Elliott's Mills and contains about 150 inhabitants. In 1852 Henry Elliott Sr. built a large general store and post office and it was then that the name was changed to Hampton. There were about 250 inhabitants at that time. Elliott's first mill served its purpose until 1851, at certain seasons of the year running day and night. At first most of the corn and wheat for gristing was brought in by ox team and it served farmers not only from Darlington but from Cartwright and Manvers as well, some of them requiring two days and a night for the trip of 15 or 20 miles.

Many of the early settlers had neither cart nor wagon, nor were the roads and brush trails such as to warrant their use. A devise frequently used was a long sapling, 3 or 4 inched through at the butt with a crotch near the top; the butt would be fastened to the yoke between the oxen and bags of grain were piled across the forked branches behind the oxen, in front of the ends trailing on the ground. In this way the three or four bags forming the grist were brought to the mill. Early settlers were able to grow 30, 40 and even 50 bushels to the acre and found ready market for all they could produce. In 1846, 10 barrels of flour daily were taken to the wharf. In the fall, 1847 proceeds of 406 barrels flour 439.22. (sic). An entry records ion March 24th, 1845, a payment of 5/- for an ox-team and man to Bowmanville for goods. In 1841 flour was 12/6 ($2.50 per cwt.); cornmeal 2/6 (.50¢) per bushel. In 1843 flour was 10/- per cwt. One pair boots 5.0, another pair 7.6.

Thomas Greenaway was a carpenter and a wagon maker and his son, who went to school in Millville with Thomas and James Elliott, was later Premier of Manitoba.

Among the early workmen about the mill, house, store and farm are; Richard Penny 1842, Francis Geyne 1843, Elam Butt, Hugh Corey, Richard Metherall, William Okes and William Palmer. Henry Curtis appears to have been the first cooper to make barrels for shipment of surplus flour in 1841. In October 1845 he supplied 280 barrels. In the same month John Bloomfield supplied 203 barrels.

Before the Scugog road was built most of the wheat from the back townships had to be brought out during the winter months, when relatively large loads could be teamed over the snow roads, practically impassable for heavily laden wagons at other times of the year. Elevators at Port Darlington stored the grain until navigation opened. Before railroads penetrated the northern townships of the present County of Ontario, the early settlers had to team their grain, and Mr. Elliott bought from farmers as far north as Thorah, Mara and even Rama.

Between 1842 and 1850 township population increased by over 3600 and 22,785 acres were under cultivation.

In 1851 Mr. Elliott built the present mill on the East Side of the creek, with four or five run of stone. Memorandum shows William Oke hired for 8 months for £4.15.0. per month or £50 per year. Other workmen were William Vanstone, H. Munro, James Ingram and Kitt Mitchell.

This mill did a flourishing business; in 1861 Mr. Elliott shipped from Port Darlington 5945 barrels of flour and 5743 bushels of wheat. This required heavy teams, strong wagons and reliable teamsters, some of the latter were John Hopper, Thomas Burrows, Hugh Hopper, David Hill, Richard Martin, Francis Gill, William Martin and William Jennings.

In 1862 a new flume and headrace were constructed, probably in connection with the installation of a new water wheel for increased power. Those helping to do this were Albert Wright, William Wilson, William Jennings, S. Hooper, Jas. Jennings, R. Martin, T. Creeper, Jas. Snell, J. McDEonald, T. Cann, R. Jennings, Samuel N. Kivell and Jonathan Pickard.

In 1868 many changes were made and the present north entrance on Mill Street was made and a new hopper scale installed to the left of the entrance. Previous to this, grain was received and flour shipped from the ground floor to the south. The entrance for wagons and sleighs was a gate at the junction of John Street and Mill Street.

Thomas Elliott, 1838-1927, worked in his father's mill and later carried on the business until he sold the mills in October of 1910 to Charles Horn, who had been his head miller since 1880. It was Thomas Elliott who in 1891 installed the roller process. The extent of his dealings in grain may be estimated by the fact that in the fall of 1890 he lost $40,000 on barley which was awaiting shipment in his elevators when the McKinley administration, without warning, increased duty to .30¢ per bushel. He was buying, prior to this, some 200,000 bushels of barley per season.

Some who learned milling there were William Kivell, Thomas Cann, Elijah Johns, D. Brokenshire, George Forester, Joseph Grills and Isaac Moynes, the latter occupied the mill cottage up to the time of his tragic death.

Charles Horn, while miller taught the trade to T. H. Elliott of Hope, and his own sons, John B. Horn and Edgar Horn. The latter carried on the business after his father's death and sold the mill to George Farncomb in June of 1936.

Few mills have had such a long and successful career as that carried on by Henry and Thomas Elliott for over 70 years and by Charles and Edgar Horn for over 25 years and now by George Farncomb.

The first travelled road here was on the West Side of the creek. Henry Elliott had the first store in part of his house and their kitchen was often used for preaching services. It was customary at that time for women to wear their sunbonnets and aprons to meetings. The Bible Christian Church was built in 1847 where the present B. C. Cemetery is. It was a frame church, John Fee was the contractor. The first B. C. parsonage was a cottage across the street from the church, built by Mr. Abbott. Later the corner house where Mr. Fursier once lived was used, then they built a new parsonage. (Where L. Allin now lives.)

Preachers in 1859 were John Hicks Eynon, Abraham Morris and John Edwards. Paul Robbins was superintendent. The district meeting of 1852 was held at Hampton. In 1856 Hampton circuit was organized and the preachers were Henry Elliott, J. Hooper and G. Haycraft. In 1857 J. Tapp, R. Miller, G. Haycraft with J. H. Eynon being superintendent of Bowmanville district. A list of Bible Christian Preachers to 1879 is in John Squair's book "Townships of Darlington and Clarke". Those were the days when they travelled on horseback.

In 1925 the B. C. Cemetery was terribly neglected but W. R. Allin got interested and with the help of Dr. Jabez H. Elliott it was leveled, freshly sodded, much improved and perpetual upkeep started. The sum of $425 raised was transferred to the Hampton Cemeteries Board which undertook the management and administration of the B. C. Cemetery with the Union Cemetery at the north of the village.

In 1844 there was a school built on the V shaped lot, nearly in front of A. Peter's house and the desks were placed around by the walls. Teachers were Sweetman, Bird, Taylor, Smith, Beer, John Oke, John Rogerson, F. W. Coyle, and S. McGraw with J. J. Tilley inspector.

Mrs. Webster also had a private school for girls. Some of those attending were: Sarah Werry (Mrs. T. H. Hancock, Tyrone); Jane Ann Jennings (Mrs. J. Wm. Fleming); Sarah C. Elliott (Mrs. R. Katerson); Eliza J. Ashton (Mrs John Elliott); Mary Cowling (Mrs. Harris) and Ella J. Scott.

There was a corduroy road from the old mill at the West Side over to the pit, near the present mill. During the years when there was a brisk trade in shipping flour, there was a ready business for three or four coopers. There was Henry Curtis 1841-1865, Samuel Johns and Thomas Johns in 1871 and Albert Wright. Records show Richard Bunt, cooper, 1867-1887; he rented a cooper shop at $16.00 per year plus $16.00 for the use of all tools.

One cooper shop was on the side street, west of Mrs. C. John's house, owned by Samuel Johns. Another shop was in the parking lot near Elliott's Park. There were also two on Mill Street.

On May 7th, 1874, the cornerstone was laid for the new Bible Christian Church (afterwards the Methodist Church and now the United Church,) by the late Hon. Senator John Simpson and dedicatory services were conducted in February 1875 with Rev. Barker preaching the morning service. A. Clark and Rev. J. Smith spoke in the afternoon and Messrs. Hooper, Roberts, Kenner and Pascoe in the evening. A grand supper was served, 10 tables with 12 waiters for each table. The sacred edifice cost $7,000.00 with much gratuitous labour and material added. The bell was procured from Bowmanville English Church when they bought chimes. Mrs. H. Elliott Sr. said: "The Church would not be complete without a bell." And offered a good share toward paying for it. The first Trustee Board was: William Elford, H. Elliott Sr., H. Elliott Jr., Thomas Clark, William Vanstone, Edward Cann, Thomas Burrows, George Awde and Thomas Ward. The Building Committee was: W. Elford, H. Elliott Sr., H. Elliott Jr., T. Clark, P. Burroughs, T. Ward, J. Johns, W. Allen and J. Pickard. The pastor was the Rev. E. Roberts.

Members of the first choir were; bass, T. Burroughs, J. J. Hoidge, J. Ruse, T. Clark, W. Williams, George Ball; tenor A. Hogarth, W. Russ, W. Vanstone, C.N. Ruse; soprano, Mary Creeper, Edna Baulch, Rosie Phillips, J. Pickard, Maria Taylor, Melissa Phillips, Jennie Tulling, Miss Allen; alto, Maggie Westaway, Jessie Hoidge, Alice Thomas, Nora Clark, Mary A. Ellis, Bessie Ruse; organist, Georgina Lowry; leader H. Elliott Jr.; trainer Prof. J. Ruse.

In the 50 years there have been 5 leaders and 4 organists. Leaders have been H. Elliott Jr., I. L. Brown, A. B. Cryderman, Theo. Salter and K. Caverly. Organists; Georgina Lowry, Ada Clark, Mary J. Elliott and Noney Horn.

Ministers who served from 1873 to 1897 were: Rev Edward Roberts, Henry Kenner, S. A. Rice, William Wade, R. B. Rowe, Jesse Whitlock, George Brown, Edward Barrass, Roberts McCullough and James Liddy, M. A.

Ministers who served the Hampton Methodist Church from 1897 to 1935 were:

Rev. E. E. Howard 1897-98
Rev. Henry Thomas 1898-01
Rev. F. B. Anderson 1901-05
Rev. J. R. Berry 1905-07
Rev. T. H. P. Anderson 1907-11
Rev. C. W. Barrett 1911-15
Rev. George Brown 1915-19
Rev. J. O. Totten 1919-21
Rev. W. W. Jones 1921-25
Rev. J. R. Bick 1925-32
Rev. Walter Rackham 1932

The steeple of our church was twice struck by lightening and the last time, June 1938, the spire was not replaced but turreted as it is at present.

The Church had a Golden Jubilee celebration on February 22nd, 25th and March 1st, 1925. Ministers at Sunday services were: Rev. William Lambert and Rev T. Brown. On Wednesday, February 25th, Rev. Dr. Stafford of the Metropolitan Church, Toronto, preached at 2:30 p. m. and tea was served in the basement. At * p. m. Dr. Stafford gave his lecture entitled "The Rise and Fall of Nations." Miss Joy Fawcett of Toronto assisted with vocal selections. On Sunday, March 1st, Rev. George B. Williams, D. D. of Metropolitan Church, Toronto, had charge of morning and evening services.

The Veterans Choir for February 22nd 1925, included Theo Salter (leader), Mrs. F. G. Kerslake, Mrs. C. Johns, Mrs. W. J. Clemence, Mrs. George Barron, Mrs. J. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cryderman, Mrs. A. Peters, Mrs. Salter, Mrs. J. Burns, Mr. and Mrs. Souch, Will Doidge, Mrs. S. Ferguson, Mrs. Clatworthy, Mrs. A. Trenouth with Mrs. C. J. Kerslake, organist.

Mrs. J. Colwell Jr. has a Hampton Quarterly Plan of 1842 and a picture of a group of ministers at a B. C. Conference in Bowmanville in 1865. Miss Katerson has a Quarterly plan of 1873, also a group picture of B. C. Ministers at a conference in Bowmanville, taken on the steps of the old Queen Street Church about 1866 or 1867.

The present parsonage once belonged to the Methodists. There was a hotel, kept by Mr. Pye, where our church now stands. Harry Phillips bought the same and moved it north on the East Side of the street. He kept the hotel there for many years, later Mr. Beer had it, also Mr. Bone and Bert Jennings. Fred Kerslake's house was a part of that hotel and the remainder was made into Thos. Wray's house. When the hotel was there, they had open sheds for the horses and stables at the rear, and a pump on the street, which was a handy town pump. There was another hotel south of that one, which was moved away.

Henry Elliott Sr. built a store on the corner across from the present church about 1856. It was a three storey brick building with rounding corner and balcony to the south on the second storey. They sold hardware, shoes, dry goods, jewellery, sewing machines, pianos, organs and some medicines. Township Clerk's office was on the south west side and the Post Office on the south east corner and later the Bank of Montreal had offices there.

Citizens much regretted the loss of this building by fire in 1925. Wm. Allin, Township Clerk, worked valiantly but many valuable papers and documents were destroyed by fire including by-laws and registrations of births, marriages and deaths. Mr. Cole's store was burned when Mrs. Martin's house was destroyed by fire.

John Elliott had a grocery store on the East Side of the street. Later James Williams took over the business and in 1897 Richard Avery bought the stock from J. Williams and in 1898 bought the store property from John Elliott. In August 1914, W. W. Horn took over R. Avery's business and in December 1936, J. R. Reynolds took charge of the business with the addition of meats.

George Barron built on the corner in 1927 and has the Post Office and general store. There was a good band in Hampton in 1868. The 14 members were: William Andrews, bandmaster, Charles Rice, leader, Thomas Elliott, John Elliott, William Jennings, John Ruse, Joseph Ruse, John Crago, William Morsehead, Thomas Busley Brad Curtis, Thomas Johns and John Johns. Mrs. J. Colwill Jr. has a picture of this band.

The school at the north was built for a hotel but not used as such. The first benches were placed around by the wall. J. J. Tilley was school inspector 1867-1883 and W. E. Tilley school inspector 1884-1919. Principals before 1890, not necessarily in proper order were: W. E. Tilley, F. L. Ellis, Arthur Reynolds, Mr. Sangster, Dr. Nidderie, George Jamieson, Mr. Horidge, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Sweetman, Mr. Beere, Dr. Taylor, Frank J. Groat (Jan1890-June1933), Edgar Staples (Sep1933-Jun1938), H. Faulkner (Sep1938-Dec1941) D. Robertson (Jan 1942-Jun1942), Mrs. M. I. Laramie (Sep1942-Jun1945). The highest salary paid in Darlington in 1883 was $485 to Mr. Reynolds. In 1923, $1100 was paid to J. Groat.

Assistant teachers before 1900, not in chronological order: Miss Hales, Miss Waddell, Miss K. Argue, Miss Salisbury, Mrs. Webster, Miss J. Fisher, Miss I. Sleigh, Miss Ferris, Miss E. Kerslake, Miss M. Motley, Miss E. Motley, Miss Coleman, Miss J. Wilgar and Miss Gibson. Since 1900 - 1900 Amy Armour, 1901 F. M. Galbraith, 1904 Miss Sugden, 1906 Robina Johns, 1908 Ethleen Johns, 1909 Miss Scott, 1910 Mrs. W. H. Brown, 1913 Miss Beatty, 1915 Evelyn Currie, 1918 Mildred Cole, 1921 Ida Johns 1923 Betty Sargent, 1924 Miss Webber, 1926 Isabel Campbell, 1930 Martha Milder, 1931 Grace Cawker, 1938 Elsie Haddon, 1940 Alta Brown, 1941 Elsie MacMillen, 1944 Noreen Stackley, 1945 Mrs. Charles Warren.

The Methodist Church was built in 1859 near Ashton's Corner. It was a frame building and was moved down to Mill Street and used by the Salvation Army and later by the Sons of England Lodge. Methodist Cemetery, now called Union Cemetery, was extended to the south. John Ashton and Samuel Ashton kept store on the corner north of the cemetery.

There was a wagon shop south of the United Church, owned by William Vanstone, John Lewis and Cephas Johns. The three families lived in the house where Mrs. Cephas Johns now lives and it is over 100 years old. The John's shop is now Greenaway's Garage. John John's had a wagon shop on Mill Street, which was later used as an evaporator. John Ruse and his sons had a carpenter shop on the corner where William Chapman lives, and later A. Stott had a carriage and paint shop in the same building. Mr. Thomas, Sam Thompson and William Thompson had the harness shop at different times in the north part of Mrs. F Ruse's house. Mrs. Sam Thompson had a bakeshop where Mrs. L. Reynolds Lives.

Mrs. T. Creeper (nee Miss Ward) had a millinery shop in the center part of John Elliott's building long before John Elliott or J. Williams or W. W. Horn kept store.

George Rook built the first blacksmith shop. He also kept a tavern in early days and James Johns came about the same time and made wagons and buggies. Thomas Greenaway, father of a Premier of Manitoba, was a carpenter and wagon-maker. John Cole had a tailor shop, employing 2 to 4 helpers. There was also a tailor shop west of Barron's store employing 3 or 4 helpers. Mr. Couch, Richard Baluch and Mr. John Mellon had charge at different times for many years. William Martin had a shoe shop where the tearoom is now. Mr. Perkins had a good shoemaking business there previous to Mr. Martin and John Sharp was an apprentice.

About 1856 B. F. Perry and L. Ormiston laid out large areas of land into town lots which sold at high prices, some front quarter acres bringing $400.00. In 1853 the village became the seat of municipal government, the council meetings being held in the temperance hotel, then kept by W. Williams, for which he received $12.00 per year.

The Council that year was: M. Jones, Reeve; J. Washington, Deputy Reeve; P. Coleman, B. F. Perry and W. H. Rogers with W.R. Windett as Clerk and H. Elliott as Treasurer. S. B. Bradshaw was Collector and R. Allin, R. Osborne, W. Morsheed, W. Werry and C. Wilber were assessors of the different wards. John McLaughlin was License Inspector. Printing was done by J. B. McMillan.

Henry Elliott was appointed the first postmaster and in 1853 he was appointed Township treasurer, which post he held until his death. He was also Justice of the Peace. He and his son Henry Elliott Jr. had the Post Office until the death of the latter in 1915, except for a short time from 1895 when Frank Cole had it. W. H. Horn had the Post Office until 1937 when it was moved back to the corner store with George Barron and son in charge.

In November 1931, the paving of the highway from Bowmanville to Blackstock was completed and a big celebration was held. Hon. Leopold Macauley, Minister of Highways, cut the ribbon, distributing pieces of it to the ladies present. The Canadian Legion Band, Bowmanville, under the leadership of Robert Lowens, headed the procession, which led to Hampton United Church where the ladies of our Women's Institute looked after a wonderful banquet. There were 180 guests.

Edward Hastings had a pump shop for many years on the East Side of the street (over Creek). Horses were used to turn out the pumps and pump legs. Later his son, Charles Hastings, had the shop on the side street with motor power.

There were three frame houses in a row burned about 1870 or 1871, owned by Jenkins, Pethick and Baulch. Only two were rebuilt - new Katerson and Balson homes.

R. Katerson bought the furniture and undertaking business from James Cryderman in 1873. Mr. Katerson's shop was just north of his house and he carried on the business until his health failed and he sold to Norman Rundle in 1903.

The masons were Edward Trenouth, Ambrose Trenouth and Richard Trenouth. T. Fowke lived where Mrs. Dumont now lives and had a tannery down by the creek.

John Y. Cole and son, Jesse E. L. Cole were butchers where the tannery used to be. They drove the meat cart about the village and surrounding country. Thomas Ward had a butcher shop in part of John Elliott's, many years ago but lived where Mrs. Stephens lives.

There was a cheese factory in the early days north of Mr. R. Avery's home, owned by Mr. Ormiston. Another cheese factory just west of Ashton's Corner, is still running but for many years has made butter only. I believe Mr. Switzer was the first Cheese-maker, followed by Jesse Cole, Mr. Welsh, Mr. Parr, Mr. Goode, H. Gilbert, Mr. Wallace and Ted Chant. Recorded is a cheese meeting in 1873 but the factory was probably there many years before that.

It is impossible to find exact dates when many old buildings were erected, so many records were lost when Elliott's store was burned in 1925. Frank Mason had a dry goods store in Mrs. F. Ruse's house. Frank Stonehouse had a farm implement shop where the TeaRoom is. Edward Groat had a shoe shop in the north west corner of F. J. Groat's house where he also repaired clocks. Richard Moyse had a shoe shop in Elliott's frame store on the East Side. Carpenters were Richard Worth, Mr. Gully and son Frank Gully, Andrew Pennington who apprenticed Charles Pascoe, his son Thornley Pennington, W. Cryderman, Theo. Salter, Jim Pye. Joseph Clatworthy was also a carpenter and Lewis Johns was in partnership with him for some time and apprenticed his son, Orion Clatworthy and also Charles Burrows, Thomas Wray, Joe Edde, Tom Edde and H. Blackburn. Erasmus Fowke was a cabinetmaker.

Mrs. Honey had a dressmaking shop over John Ellott's store. Miss Annie Ashton learned the trade with her and later carried on dressmaking in her home. Those who learned dressmaking were; Miss L. Tulley, Miss M. Noble, Miss E. Westaway, Miss R. Cryderman, Miss J. Ward, Miss M. Pascoe, Miss I. Ellis, Miss Ethel Cryderman, Miss M. Katerson and Miss G. Ranton. Samuel Ward had a grocery and tinware store on Mill Street where Mr. Blackburn now lives.

More names of pioneers of Hampton are:

William Oke, carpenter
Lockhart Ormiston, merchant
W. Perkins, shoemaker
Daniel Wilcox, tailor
Richard Butler, saddler
Edward Jenkins, carpenter
J. R. Janes, carding and cloth mill (the latter, I believe was just north of the present butter factory.)
William Williams
Tom Smith
Daniel Williams
Thomas Yeo
John Wakelyn
Benjamin Ashton
Irwin L. Brown
J. H. Burrows
Robert Burns
William Creeper
John Cole and sons; John T., Wm. J. and Frank Cole.

Michael Cryderman Sr. whose family were; Daniel, James, Marshall, Michael

Marshall Cryderman Jr. whose family were; Benson, Walter, Carlos, Will, Frank, Howard, Lena, Annie, Ella, Ethel, Ada, Hilda and Hessy.

Michael Cryderman Jr. whose family was Florence, Cynthia, Theo., Foster, Alma, Elsie, Mary, Louis (?), and Eva.

Other old timers were:

William Cowling
William Doidge
James Thomas
William Elford
Horace Farley
John Farley
William H. Gay
Lewis Johns
Cephas Johns
John Joll
George Kerslake
William Law
William Martin
George Oliver
Harry T. Phillips
J. Pickard
William Rogers
Thomas Robbins
John B. Russel
Theo Salter
Mr. Thom
William Vanstone
Joseph Ward
W. Rowe
Thomas G. Stonehouse and sons George, Frank and Charles

Humphery Short and sons Henry and William D.

Our Town Hall was built by John Ruse in 1855 and cost $606.00. Joseph Ruse had a music room upstairs in the north part of John Elliott's frame store at the time when the building had an outside stairway. He was the leader of the Bible Christian choir. Mrs.Sam Mason (afterwards Mrs. Ed. Hastings) had a fancywork store in the north part of the same building. There was also a fancywork store in the house north of the park entrance, which was burned when Cole's store was burned.. There was a woolen mill north of the village owned by Duncan Taylor, where people from the surrounding country had their wool made into blankets.

Mr. Perry started to build a woolen mill near W. Greenaway's garage but it was never completed. Tom Smith had a sawmill west of the Guide Board (north of Cryderman's sawmill.)

On September 10th 1921, in the presence of a large happy assembly of citizens and others, Dr. J. H. Elliott and his sister, Mrs. C. J. Kerslake, presented the Township with the deed for "Elliott Memorial Park" which is a favourite place for public and private picnics, ball games, etc. It has a fine entrance with well-kept border of flowers on each side, a turnstile, a bungalow and a Woman'' Institute Booth. There are slides and swings, making it a splendid playground for children. The Woman's Institute helped buy the north lot adjoining the park entrance that it may be extended. Skating is greatly enjoyed on our pond, also some fishing.

William Beer had a blacksmith shop in the north part of the village and T. J. Clark had a blacksmith shop south of the store corner on the East Side of the street. It was later carried on by J. Lane, A. McFeeters, Amos Bond and H. H. Wilcox.

Hampton citizens are fond of flowers and people passing through remark on the profusion of same in the gardens and the house plants in the windows in winter. There were flying squirrels here in 1918. Miss H. Katerson has one mounted.

The Bible Christian Church _ taken from Prof. John Squar's book: "The Townships of Darlington and Clarke."

In 1854, preachers in Darlington Circuit were: Paul Robbins, G. Haycraft, H. Redd, and J. Hughes. In 1855 the first Canadian Conference met at Columbus on June 7th. In 1857 Hampton Circuit preachers were: J. B. Tapp, R. Miller, G Haycraft (supernumerary). In 1858, J. H. Eynon was superintendent of Bowmanville District and the preachers were: J. Ashley, J.B. Tapp and G Haycraft.

Hampton Circuit Preachers

1861 Rev. W. Hooper
1862-4 Rev. W. R. Roach
1865-7 Rev. Joseph Hoidge
1868 Rev. R. T. Courtice and Rev. J. Doidge
1869-70 Rev. J. Doidge and Rev. E. Roberts
1872 Rev Mark Hardy and Rev. E. Roberts
1873-74 Rev. Henry Kenner
1875 Rev. W. Wade
1876 Rev. S. H. Rice
1877 Rev. J. Gilson and Rev. S. H. Rice
1878 Rev. S. J. Cummings and Rev. S. H. Rice
1879-80 Rev. R. B. Rowe
1881 Rev. J. W. Cannon and Rev. R. B. Rowe
1882 Rev. Wesley Down and Rev. R. B. Rowe
1883 Rev. Oke

Some of the old homes that have disappeared from the district are:

A house one north of Mrs. Enoch Stevens and another just south of her home. Another south of the cemetery (the old tollgate) and one between the Parsonage and Mrs. Robbins. One north of the park entrance where Mrs. Oliver lived and a store (F. Cole's) just north of that. A house between Mr. Harry Wilcox and where Mr. Blackburn lives. Another between the church gate and the church shed. Two houses which were west of Mrs. John's house have gone. One west of Mr. G. Honey's, and another east of W. Wilbur's. Three houses between the Katerson's and the Souch's garage have gone. Another house at the end of the lane between Mr. Souch and Mrs. Challoner. One south of Mrs. Flintoff's house, one east of Mr. Randall's, one on the present church property, opposite B. Fergusons. One between Mr. Wray's and Mrs. Belson's, one north of Mrs. Trenouth's, one on the waters edge opposite Mrs. Robin's house (where Sam Mason, Franks's father, lived). One just north of James Hogarth and one on the back road on Mr. E. J. Creeper's farm.

B. Mitchell was the first man to drive a wagon and buggy over the Scugog Road. He also bought, from the States, the first reaping machine used in Darlington. He also built the first stone house in Darlington.

About 1850 a flourishing division of the Sons of Temperance was established; among prominent members were: H. B. Bradley, John Lammiman, W. Williams, J. Cryderman, H. Elliott, Rev. A. Kennedy and B. J. Perry.

Other clippings show that in 1858 the Hampton Lodge of Good Templars was instituted in the Town Hall with these officers for the first quarter

W.C.T. - James Cryderman
W. Vice Templar - Mrs. Phillip Hill
W. Secretary - Henry Ellioyy Jr.
W. Associate - William Cryderman
W. Fin. Secretary - James Taylor
W. Treasurer - M. M. Halstead
W. Inner Guard - Charles W. Smith
W. Outer Guard - Marshall Cryderman
W. Conductor - George Smith
W. Marshall - James Smith
W. D. M. - Mrs. James Cryderman
R. H. Supporter - S. Smith
L. H. Supporter - Elizabeth Brimacombe

At the following meetings, I believe, nearly every person in the vicinity became a member. (There are too many names to list them here.)The minute book from which the names were taken covers the period up to January 21, 1862.

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