Through the kindness of a friend we were favoured with an opportunity of being present at the reorganization of a Division of the Sons of Temperance among the Indians at Alnwick, on Friday last. The venerable chief, John Sunday, so well known as a speaker on Missionary platforms was present, and was duly elected and installed as one of the officers of the Division, as was also his son-in-law, John Rice, an Indian of more than ordinary intelligence. There were, if we remember rightly, neatly a score of old members present, and we trust that with the able and co-operation of the Rev. S. Hurlburt, under whose pastoral care this very interesting mission is now placed, the good cause will flourish again, and take deeper root than ever and fill the neighbourhood with its pleasant fruits.

After the immediate object of our visit was concluded we paid a visit to the schoolroom, a commodious structure of brick where, we ere particularly stirred with the reading of one of the young Indians. Few white men can read English with half the clearness of enunciation, the correct emphasis, and thorough appreciation of the subject as this young son of the forest, whose mind is anything but untutored.

It is truly gratifying to know that under the care and influence of Mr. Bettice, the younger members of this interesting community are acquiring at least the rudiments of knowledge and learning to become useful members of society. There are from 50 to 70 children attending this school. We cannot but entertain pleasing anticipations of the results of the combined labours of the Missionary, the School-master and the Temperance Brotherhood, on the future prospects of this beautiful village, over which there already reigns a Sabbath-like placidity which contrasts most favourably with many a village of white men.

We may observe in connection with this matter the unblushing manner in which the law prohibiting the sale of liquor to an Indian is violated in this town. Whenever Cobourg has inflicted upon it, the visit of a Circus or any thing of the kind many of the Indians who were attracted to the town are discovered the next morning reeling drunk about the streets, and nobody has done the mischief! What a burning shame it is that our tavern-keepers should be allowed to go on break- the laws with impunity. If they have no sense of shame, surely there are some among us who are able to detect and punish the emissaries of Satan who labour to counteract the pious and philanthropical agencies of which we have spoken. If any feel indisposed to give direct encouragement in the great work of civilization and moral and religious improvement among the aboriginal inhabitants of the Province, let them beware how they throw a stumbling block in the way by tempting them to sin contrary to the laws both of God and man. Sooner or later they will bitterly repent their iniquitous conduct, and discover that money thus earned brings with it a fearful curse.

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