Clarke and Dezeng Families of Monaghan Township

John Clarke was probably born in 1821. The son of James Clarke and Ellen Fowler, he was baptized on February 17, 1822 at Scotshouse Village in the Civil Parish of Currin. The family resided in Drumgrone townland of Currin Civil Parish, now known as the Clones-Drum area.(1)

William Clarke, John’s grandfather is shown on the list of freeholders in Currin, (Drumgrone) in 1803-1806.

The 1827 Tithe Employment Book shows William’s wife, referred to as Widow Clarke and James Clark listed in B4, Drumgrone. Widow Clarke held 1.2 acres of land while James held 11.2 acres. Their tithes were 10pds 6 /4 and 12pds.8Z respectively on an annual basis. The 1858 Parish of Currin valuation of land and property does not show any Clarke family in the area, (2) Presumably the Clarkes’.” (James and Ellen) and their three sons departed for Canada in the mid 1840’s. The Clarkes’ grew flax and there was a linen mill nearby. The land was of poor quality; today it sits idle, some covered with gorse. At that time John Madden owned the estate. Today it is called Hilton Park owned and operated by Johnny Madden.(3) His website is Johnny is a well-educated and aristocratic man and was surprised to find two women from the Pacific Coast at his home looking for their ancestors. He invited us into his library where we saw old maps and documents, even the odd artefact. It is a beautiful treed area and a fairytale drive to Drumgrone

The Clarkes next appear as Clark in South Monaghan Township, Ontario, in close proximity to Rice Lake. James Clark. Is shown in the 1948 census as a farmer occupying Lot 1, Concession 2, Northumberland County. (4)

In 1850, James’s eldest son, John, lived in South Monaghan Township; at that time it was named Centerville. At some point the property passed to John. The 1871 census shows that his brothers, Joseph and Alexander, resided in Peterborough West. (5) In her book Jean Cole writes: “In 1859 John Clark (e) was operating a hotel on the opposite side of the road on Lot 1, Concession 2, Monaghan and he was still there in the 1860’s. (6)

John married Caroline De Zeng (daughter of Frederick Agustus DeZeng) of Rice Lake. This union produced seven children, all of whom lived. Their eldest son. James Frederick, was born on September 9, 1848. “ From 1848 John lived at Centerville. He farmed and had horses which he loved. Apparently he had a livery stable on the road from Port Hope to Peterborough. In 1871, when Frederick was 23. The family homesteaded in Howick Township, County Huron. Fred left his post in a dry goods store in Port Hope to help John and Caroline and three brothers and three sisters get established.” (7)

“Sometime in the late 1880’s John and Caroline came to Vancouver. … They lived in a cottage at 2644 Manitoba Street. (NE corner at 11th Avenue. It had a continuous porch on the west and south sides. Their John died on January 13, 1908 and was buried in Mountain View Cemetery beside Caroline who had passed away on December 20,1903.” (6) John’s death certificate lists the cause of death as “heart failure.” (8)


Clark family records from Scotshouse, Church of Ireland

Theo McMahon, Monaghan Ancestry, 6 Tully, Monaghan, Ireland

Johnny Madden, Hilton Park, Co, Monaghan, Ireland

National Archives of Canada, 77 Grenville Street, Toronto, Ontario

Cole, Jean Murrray ,”South Monaghan,,the Garden of Eden, Keene, Ontario, Twshp Ootonabee – South Monaghan, 1998, ISBN 0968393500

Jean Clark Houston, daughter of James Frederick, Vancouver, circa 1956

1871 Federal Census, National Archives, Tooronto

Submitted by:

Diane (Clark) Edgell.

#36, 255 Pemberton Terrace,

Kamloops, B.C. V2C 6R2



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