COPYRIGHT (c) 2004 Michael Stephenson
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County of Northumberland Agricultural Society
Agreeably to Public Notice, the first semi-annual Cattle show, &c. of this Society was held in the village of Cobourg, on Wednesday the 1Sth instant. The day being favorable a great number attended from various townships in the district of Newcastle.
The number of live Stock exhibited was not so great as what may be expected in future, but many of the animals were very fine, and called forth the admiration of all who saw them.
The cattle show and ploughing matches took place in two very convenient fields belonging to Ebenezer Perry, Esq. Cobourg, who liberally accommodated the Society with them.
The Ploughing matches excited great interest, and were well and ably contested, by those with horses in particular. Besides the Ploughmen to whom the Judges awarded premiums, there were others who shewed considerable skill in the manner of their ploughing, and deservedly attracted the notice and gained the approbation of several hundred of spectators. The ploughing done by the Oxen was also, in general, well deserving of notice and imitation.
There were upwards of fifty candidates entered for the different premiums, offered by the Society on this occasion. Among the different premiums awarded, there was an honorary one to Mr. J.S. Grover, for a very fine cow and calf. The society also allowed an honorary premium to Mr. Nathaniel Purdy, for producing the best piece of linen cloth, which although entered for competition, was inadvertently overlooked by the Judges, at the time they examined the other specimens. Mr. W.S. Meyers read a clever Essay on the raising and management of grain crops. The Society allowed him an honorary premium as he had no competitors, to contend for the Society’s prize offered for the best written essay on the same subject.
According to the rules and regulations of the Society, the following gentleman were appointed the Judges of the day, on the various kinds of live stock, ploughing matches, &c. viz:
John Burnham, Esq. Messrs. Ephraim Doolittle and Peter Alger—Judges of Bulls, Milch Cows and Steers.
Richard Hare, Esq. Messrs. Ozam Strong, and John Grover—Judges of Rams and Ewes.
Messrs. Elijah Ketchem, Truman Hinman and Sison Wait—Judges of Boars and Sows.
Colonel Covert, D. Brodie, E. Perry, Esqrs. Judges of Linen and Woolen cloth.
Wm. Falkner, Arch. McDonald, John Covert and John Burnham, Esqrs.—Judges of the best written Essay on the raising and management of grain crops.
Arch. McDonald, Esq. Messrs. T.M. Spalding and Caleb Malery—Judges of ploughing done with horses: also to decide on the merits of the horses worked at the ploughing matches.
Messrs. Benjamin Ewing, Ozem Strong and Ephraim Doolittle—Judges of Ploughing done with Oxen: also to decide on the merits of the Oxen worked at the ploughing match.
The following Premiums were awarded to the undermentioned successful candidates by the Judges:
To Mr. Thos. Goodman, Hamilton, for the best Stallion.
Mr. J.H. Dean, ditto, for the second best do.
Mr.---- Benson, for the best brood mare,
Mr. Jacob Vanalstine, Hamilton, for the second best ditto,
Mr. T.M. Spalding, Haldimand, third best do.
Mr. J. Phillips, Hamilton, for the best bull,
Mr. Truman Hinman, Haldimand, second best
Mr. J.T. Grover, Haldimand, (honorary premium) best milch cow,
Elias Jones, Esq. Hamilton, for the best ram,
Wm. Falkner, Esq. do. for the second best,
Mr. Caleb Mallery, do. for the third best,
Wm. Falkner, Esq. for the six best Ewes,
Mr. Caleb Mallery, for the six second best,
Mr. Theron Dickenson, Cramahe, the best boar,
Benj. Ewing, Esq. Haldimand, the next best,
Ditto, ditto the third best,
Ditto, ditto the best sow,
Colonel Covert, Hamilton, for the second best,
Mr. Jeremiah Scripture, Haldimand, for the best piece of linen cloth, made in the country
Mr. Sisson Wait, ditto, second best ditto,
Mr. Jeremiah Scripture, third best ditto,
Mr. Nathaniel Purdy, Cramahe, the best piece of linen cloth made in the county, an (honorary premium,)
Mr. Ephraim Doolittle, Haldimand, for the best piece of woollen cloth made in the county,
Mr. Jn. Thomas, ditto, for the second best do,
Messrs. Thomas and Boyce, the third do. do.
Richard Inglis, ploughman to Mr. Chas. Ruttan, best ploughing done with horses,
Mr. Christopher Hinds, Cobourg, the second best ploughing by his ploughman with horses,
Mr. Chs. Clark, Haldimand, third best, ditto,
Mr. Sisson Wait, the best pair of horses working at the ploughing matches,
Mr. Charles Ruttan, Amherst, second best ditto,
Mr. John Steele, Colborne, the third best ditto,
Mr. Festus Bennett, Colborne, for the best ploughing done with Oxen,
Mr. Peter Alger, Cramahe, second best do. do.
Mr. Theron Dickenson, ditto, third best do. do.
Ditto. ditto, the best oxen worked at the ploughing match,
Mr. Festus Bennett, the second best ditto,
Mr. T.M. Spalding, the third best ditto,
Mr. W.S. Meyers, for an essay on the raising and management of grain crops, (honorary premium,
After the names of the successful candidates were announced, the directors, members of the institution, with their friends sat down to an excellent dinner, provided be the Messrs. Strong, in Cobourg. Nearly seventy gentlemen dined on this most interesting occasion, and every thing was conducted throughout with the greatest harmony; and it was truly gratifying to see such a numerous assemblage of the most respectable agriculturists and gentlemen from almost every township in the district, all so cordially joined together in promoting the agricultural interests of the country, which are undoubtedly of the greatest of importance, and demand our first and most unceasing attention.
The Members of the Society met at 6 o’clock in the evening, for the purpose of electing office bearers and directors for the ensuing year, when the following gentlemen were nominated and unanimously chosen, viz.:
The Hon. Zacheus Burnham, President.—William Falkner, Esq. Messrs. Charles Powers. Ozem Strong and Thos. D. Sandford, vice Presidents.—Joseph E. Keeler, Esq. Treasurer.—John Steele, Esq. Secretary.
Directors.—John Covert, Arch. McDonald, M.P.P., Henry Ruttan, Elias Jones, Robert Henry, Jn. Burnham, Wm. Sowden, Ebenezer Perry, Richard Hare, Js. G. Rogers, Thos. Walker, Esqrs., Messrs: Benjamin Ewing, G.D. Goslie, David Brodie, Christopher Bullock, Wm. Brown, Jesse Welles, Ephraim Doolittle, Timothy Rogers, Truman Hinman, Jeremiah Scripture, John Grover, T.M. Spalding, J. Brown, Peter Alger, Theron Dickenson, Samuel Brock, Joseph Philips, junr. Caleb Mallery, Josias White, John Kelley, Jonathan Massey, Jas. Ewing, Asa Burnham, Julius Richardson, Comfort Curtis, Alijah Smith, David Cummings, Francis Beattie and Elijah B_ck.
When the election of the office-bearers and directors was concluded, Colonel Covert read a very interesting paper on the culture of Hemp, for which he received the unanimous thanks of the Society, and was requested to publish his valuable communication for the information and benefit of the Agriculturists, in this as well as in the different counties throughout the Province.
N.B.—The next annual Cattle-show of the Society will be held in Colborne on the first Wednesday in October next. A list of premiums, and for what offered at that exhibition, will be duly intimated to the public as soon as the board of Directors shall decide at their next quarterly meeting, which will be held at Mr. Cleghorn’s Inn, Cobourg, on Wednesday the 6th day of July next, at 1 o’clock, p m. and it is expected that all the directors will attend.
By order, JOHN STEELE, Secy. Colborne, 20th May, 1831.
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