Victoria County History Resources

This link contains a list of selected books and papers that may be of value to genealogical and historical research in Victoria County. If anyone has any additions or comments please feel free to contact me.


County of Victoria Centennial History, Watson Kirkonnell, 1967. (1st edition printed 1921).

Municipal Council, Journal of the Proceedings and By-Laws of the Municipal Council of the County of Victoria. Minutes of the Municipal Council, of the County of Victoria, for the session commencing ...(Lindsay, Ontario : The Council (186?.) Trent University Archives

Index to the County of Victoria Centennial History by Watson Kirkconnell, index. Peterborough, Ontario: Sylvia Best, c1997. Trent University Archives.

Farmers and Business Directory for the Counties of Durham, Haliburton, Northumberland, Peterborough, and Victoria : 1887, 1890, 1896, Ingersoll, Ontario, Union Publishing Co., Trent University Archives.

Lindsay and Victoria County Old Home Week: 1-10 July 1948: Souvenir Booklet, 1948. Trent University Archives.

Victoria County Industries, 1871, Bloomfield, Gerald T., Index to manuscript census, Guelph, Dep't. of geography, c1991, Trent Archives.

Victoria Warder Newspaper, 1870-1899, microfilmed

Bobcaygeon Independent Newspaper, 1876-1910, microfilm

Bobcaygeon Independent and North Peterborough and Victoria Advertiser Newspaper, 1870-72, microfilm.

Fences and the geography of small areas: fence study, Victoria County, Edward Mitchell, 1971, Honours thesis, Trent University.

Social Change in Rural Ontario as reflected in Victoria County 1919-1929, Nelson Glenn Agnew, 1972, Masters Thesis, Trent University.

Educating Victoria County: A local history of Public Education,Ralph Robinson, 1987. Trent University Library

Fuller's counties of Peterborough and Victoria Directory for 1865-66, Trent Archives.

The Canadian Post Newspaper, Lindsay, Ontario, 1861-1898, microfilm.

The Lindsay Daily Post Newspaper, 1922-1986, microfilm

The Lindsay Weekly Post Newspaper, 1899-1907, microfilm

The Lindsay Post Newspaper, 1907-1920, microfilm.


The petition of the inhabitants of the townships of Cartwright, Mariposa, Eldon, Ops, and the adjoining townships interested...(18__?) Trent Archives.

Land of Plenty, History of Ops Township, 1968.


The Catalogue of the Lindsay Public Library, established 1879; includes a business Directory for 1899-1900, Trent Archives.

Poetical Directory of the Town of Lindsay and business men of the surrounding country, Trent Archives.

Industries of Canada historical and commercial sketches, Peterborough, Lindsay, Gravenhurst, Orillia, Millbrook, Uxbridge, Markham and environs : its prominent places and people, representative merchants and manufacturers, its improvements, progress, and enterprise. 1887, Trent archives.

Historic Lindsay, Allan Roy Capon, 1974.


The Rolling Hills, 1967, History of Manvers Township


The Early Settlement of Emily Township, Ontario, 1996, by Michael Stephenson, Honours Thesis, Trent University

Lilies and Shamrocks: a History of Emily township, 1974, Howard Pammett

An Update to the history of the township of Emily, Milburn V. Jones, 1988

Index to Lilies and Shamrocks, a history of Emily township, 1997, Sylvia Best

The Peter Robinson Settlers in Emily Township, 1825-1861, Guy Richard Ferguson, Masters Thesis, Trent University, 1979


Omemee: Mississauga Campsite to Ontario Village, Hillier C. Williamson, 1968


Mariposa, The Banner Township: a history of the township of Mariposa, Ross Irwin, 1984

Geographical Patterns in Mariposa Township, 1861 and 1871: nativity, ancestry, religion, and kinship, A.L.Ellis, 1996


Eldon Connections: [ portraits of a township ] , Rae Fleming, 1975


Preliminary history of Fenelon Falls lock station, William Beahan, 1993

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