Eldon Township Pioneer Settlers

ANDERSON, CHRISTOPHER, farmer. Is owner of 50 and rents 80 acres in Lot 2, Con.4. Born in Ireland, 1840. Settled here, 1873. P.O. address, Woodville

GANTON, PETER, farmer, on east half lot 18, Con.2, of which he owns 100 acres. Was born in Canada in 1847. Settled here in 1872. P.O. address, Argyle.

HENDERSON & CAVE, publishers of the ADVOCATE at Woodville, which was established in August of 1877.

GANTON, PETER, farmer on east half Lot 18, Con.2, of which he owns 100 acres. Was born in Canada in 1847. Settled here in 1872. P.O. address, Argyle.

ASHMAN, WILLIAM, farmer. Owns 390 acres of land, situated in Lots 1,2, and 3, Con.9, and Lot 13, Con.10. Has been deputy-reeve for years. Was born in Ireland 1818. Came to Victoria County in 1831. P.O. address, Hartley.

HAWKINS, RICHARD, farmer, on Lot 3, Con.3, owning 50 acres. Born in Oxfordshire, England, in 1819. Settled here in 1860. P.O. address, Woodville.

HODGSON, TOBIAS, farmer. Lives on Lot 3, Con.6, and owns 100 acres. Was born in Markham, Ontario in 1841, and came here in 1874. P.O address, Woodville.

IRISH, E.R., farmer. Resides on Lot 1, Con.3, Eldon Township; also owns part of Lot 6, Con.15, Mariposa - together about 150 acres. Is a Canadian. Settled in this County in 1831. P.O. address, Woodville.

BODEN, WILLIAM, blacksmith and county constable at Victoria Road. Was born in Markham Township, Ontario, 1836. Has lived in the county since 1862.

JACKSON, DONALD, farmer. He owns 200 acres, being Lot 1, Con.5. Came to the County in 1857 from Argyleshire, Scotland, where he was born in 1835. P.O. address, Woodville.

KING, JOSEPH, builder and contractor, Woodville P.O. Was born in England.

BUTLER, DR. R., physician and coroner. Residence and P.O. address, Kirkfield. Is a Canadian. Born in 1843. Settled here in 1872.

KIRKLAND, JOHN, farmer. Lives on Lot 13, Con.2, and owns 235 acres. He is a school trustee, and settled here in 1846. Born in Argyleshire, Scotland, in 1835. P.O. address, Argyle.

BOOTH, ROBERT, farmer on Lot 5, Con.7. He settled here in 1851. Born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1824. P.O. address, Oakwood.

LUMSDEN, H.D., Provincial Land Surveyor and civil engineer at Woodville. Settled here in 1861. Born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland in 1844.

McKENZIE, W., contractor and mill owner at Kirkfield. Is Reeve of the township, and has lived in the County since 1849.

CAMPBELL, A.C., merchant and Township Treasurer. Residence and P.O. address, Woodville. Owns E 1/2 Lot 10, Con. 1, 100 acres. Was born in the County in 1836.

McALPINE, PETER, farmer and J.P. He resides on north half of Lot 5, Con.3, and owns 100 acres. Is the present Deputy-Reeve, and has been in the Council many years. Born in the County in 1839. P.O. address, Lorneville.

McEACHERN, EACHERN, farmer on west half of Lot 7, Con.4. He owns 100 acres. Is a Canadian, and has lived in the County since 1849. P.O. address, Lorneville.

McFayden, JOHN, farmer. Lives on Lot 7, Con.1, 100 acres of which he owns; Also 100 acres in Lot 1, Con.3, Thorah Township, Ontario County. Came to Victoria County in 1830 from North Carolina, where he was born in 1820. P.O. address, Lorneville.

CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, farmer. He has 100 acres of land, situated in east 1/2 Lot 8, con.1. Was born in the township in 1849. P.O. address, Lorneville

McGIMSI, S., contractor, Woodville. He was born in Canada in 1847, and came to the County in 1877.

McDUFFIE, JOHN, farmer on Lot 2, Con.2. He owns 300 acres in the township, and has lived in the County since 1833. Was born in Scotland in 1825. P.O. address, Woodville.

McEACHERN, PETER, farmer. Lives on Lot 19, Con.2, and has 400 acres in Eldon. He is a member of the Township Council. Born in Islay, Scotland. P.O. address, Islay Station.

McDONALD, JOHN, farmer. He has 112 acres in Lot 1, Con.5, and settled here in 1852. Was born in Scotland in 1820. P.O. address, Woodville.

McLEOD, ALEXANDER, farmer, on Lot 4, Con.5, and is owner of 100 acres. He was born in the County in 1855. P.O. address, Woodville.

CAMPBELL, N.L., farmer, and owns s 1/2 Lot 6, Con.1, 100 acres. He was born in Mariposa township in 1841. P.O. address, Lorneville.

McEACHERN, ANGUS, farmer and blacksmith. He owns east half Lot 20, Con.2, 100 acres, and has lived here since 1851. Born in the County. P.O. address, Lorneville.

McLEAN, A.R., blacksmith and farmer at Argyle Village. He owns 50 acres in Lot 20, Con.2. Came here in 1872. Born in Scotland in 1850.

McPHERSON, ANDREW, farmer, on Lot 6, Con.5, of which he owns 50 acres; he also has 200 acres in Mariposa Township, situated in Lot 9, Con.11, and Lot 7, Con.15. Is Major of Militia, and has been Councillor and Collector for Mariposa Township. Born in Scotland in 1800. Came to the County in 1829. P.O. address, Lorneville.

McPHERSON, ALEXANDER, farmer. Is owner of 200 acres in Lot 6, Con.5, and Lot 6, Con.6. Was a Councillor. Born in the County in 1832. P.O. address, Lorneville.

CARMICHAEL, ARCHIBALD, farmer. He lives on Lot 2, Con.3, and owns 121 acres. Has been 19 years in the Township council, and held the Reeveship for some time. Born in the Township in 1836. P.O. address, Woodville.

McDONALD, A., farmer. He has 200 acres in Lots 7 and 8, Con.5. Settled in the County in 1842, and was 9 years a Councillor. Born in Inverness, Scotland, in 1818. P.O. address, Lorneville.

McDONALD, LAUCHLIN, school-teacher in No.3 section. Came to the County in 1860. Born in Scotland in 1854. P.O. address, Argyle.

McDONALD, D., farmer. Came to Victoria County in 1876. Was born in Ontario in 1840. P.O. address, Bolsover.

McNAB, D., farmer and breeder of thorough-bred cattle and sheep. He resides on Lot 31, Con.3, and owns 100 acres. Born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1849. Came here in 1876. P.O. address, Bolsover.

CURRIE, DONALD, farmer, living on Lot 5, Con.2, of which he owns 80 acres. Has lived in the Township since birth (1849). P.O. address, Lorneville.

McRAE, J.D., general agent at Bolsover. He has lived in the County since 1865. Born in Ontario County in 1857.

McCRAE, F., hotel-keeper and farmer. He owns the east half of Lot 24, Con.7, 100 acres, and has lived in the County since 1852. Was born in Canada the same year. P.O. address, Kirkfield.

MORISON, JAMES, farmer on Lot 1, Con.1, and owns 150 acres. Came to the County in 1830. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1826. P.O. address, Woodville.

MILLAR, G.D., Township Clerk, Division Court Clerk, and Conveyancer. Residence and P.O. address, Woodville. Born at Three Rivers, Quebec, in 1827. Came here in 1854.

CAMPBELL, PETER, farmer. He owns 100 acres of the west half of Lot 9, Con.1, and was born in the township in 1846. P.O. address, Lorneville.

MERRY, JOHN, farmer. He has 300 acres of land, and lives on Lot 19, N.P.R. Came to this County in 1835. Was born in Ireland in 1819. P.O. address, Kirkfield.

MAYBEE, LORENZO, watch-maker and dealer in stoves and hardware, Woodville. Born in Brock Township, 1846. Settled here in 1877.

MITCHELL, D., carpenter and joiner; also, post-master at Argyle. He is proprietor of 100 acres in Lot 10, Con.3, Oakley Township. Was born in Argyleshire, Scotland, in 1829, and has lived here since 1834.

MORISON, THOMAS, post-master at Lorneville. Is also engaged in farming, and owns 53 acres of Lot 2, Con.3. Was born in Canada in 1831. Settled here in 1858.

CARMICHAEL, ISAB. M., teacher. Residence and P.O. address, Lorneville. Born in the county, 1854.

MUNRO, D., carpenter and builder. Is owner of a shingle-mill. He has 150 acres of Lot 15, S.P.R., and Lot 10, Con. N.P.R. Was born in Scotland in 1820, and settled here in 1860. P.O. address, Bolsover.

CALDER, JOHN, farmer. Lives on Lot 5, Con.6, and owns 100 acres. For many years was a school teacher. He came to the county in 1850. Born in Argyleshire, Scotland, in 1808. P.O. address, Woodville.

O'NEILL, M., general merchant and post-master at Kirkfield. Was Treasurer of Ops township. Settled in the County in 1859. Born in Ireland, 1821.

RAY, A., farmer on east half of Lot 4, Con.1. Owns 100 acres. Settled in the County in 1843. Came from Argyleshire, Scotland, where he was born in 1806. P.O. address, Lorneville.

REID, WILLIAM, farmer. Lives on Lot 2, Con.3, and owns 50 acres. Born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1830. Came here in 1863. P.O. address, Woodville.

RINGLAND, JOHN, farmer. Is owner of 35 acres of Lot 2, Con.10. Was born in England in 1815. P.O. address, Hartley.

STAPLES, G.W., teacher. Came to Victoria County in 1871. Was born in Durham, Ontario, in 1862. P.O. address, Hartley

CONNOLLY, WILLIAM, teacher in S.S. No.5. P.O. address, Bolsover. Has lived in the county since 1861. Born in Canada, 1857.

SMITH, WILLIAM, farmer on Lot 2, Con.4. Owns 150 acres. Was born in the township in 1846. P.O. address, Woodville.

SHIELDS, THOMAS, merchant at Victoria Road. Is a Justice of the Peace. Born in Cumberland, England, in 1825. Settled here in 1853.

SILVERWOOD, W.A., farmer. He owns land in Lots 60 and 61, Con. S.P.R., Eldon township, and west half Lots 2, 4, and 5, West Bay, Bexley Township - together 400 acres; also 140 acres in Mariposa Township. Born in Canada in 1833. Came to Victoria County in 1846. P.O. address, Victoria Road

SCURRAH, JOSEPH, farmer on the west half of Lot 11, Con.6, 80 acres. Came here in 1873 from England, where he was born in 1840. P.O. address, Argyle.

COWAN, W.J., general merchant at Victoria Road. He owns 150 acres in Ontario county. Settled in Victoria County, 1879. Born in Canada, 1850.

STUART, JAMES, harness-maker and sadler, Issuer of Marriage Licences, and agent for London Investment Co. Residence and P.O. address, Woodville. Has been School Trustee 19 years, and Treasurer to Agricultural Society 13 years. He owns 50 acres on Lot 1, Con.3. Born in Scotland in 1830. Came here in 1855.

DAVIS, ROBERT, proprietor of hotel in Argyle. Has lived in the County since 1858. Born in Canada in 1857.

THORNBURY, J., farmer on Lot 11, Con.11. He has 97 1/2 acres and has lived in the County since 1831. Born in Dublin, Ireland in 1816. P.O. address, Glenarm.

TAYLOR, WILLIAM, farmer. Owns 187 acres in Lot 25, Cons. 10 and 11. Came here in 1849. Was born in England in 1824. P.O. address, Victoria Road.

TREMEER, THOMAS, farmer and breeder of thorough-bred stock and short-horn cattle. He was born in Ontario in 1845, and settled in the County in 1880. P.O. address, Penetanguishene.

WHEELER, B., shoemaker. Residence and P.O. address, Kirkfield. He came to the County in 1872. Born in Canada in 1841.

WISMER, A., hotel-keeper at Victoria Road. Born in Canada in 1844. Has lived here from 1873.

WOOD, DR. J.W., physician at Victoria Road. Was born at Omemee, Ontario in 1846.

EDWARDS, E.C., proprietor of the Railway and Midland and Nipissing hotels at Lorneville. Settled here in 1878. Born in Ontario County in 1855.

YOUNG, WILLIAM, farmer, merchant, and hotel-keeper. P.O. address, Bolsover. He owns 180 acres of Lot 13, Con. N.P.R., and Lot 14, Con. S.P.R. Settled here in 1866. Born in England in 1810.

EWEN, JOHN, farmer, on Lot 52, Con.9 and owns 92 acres. Has lived in the County since 1859. Came from Aberdeenshire, Scotland, where he was born in 1838. P.O. address, Kirkfield.

GILCHRIST, J.C., general merchant and postmaster at Woodville. Was Deputy-Reeve, and has lived here since 1842. Born in Argyleshire, Scotland in 1832.

GUNN, REV. R. F., Presbyterian minister at Argyle. He owns 195 acres in Lot 12, Con.3. Came to this County in 1830. Is a native of Sutherlandshire, Scotland, and was born in 1824.

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