George Calvert on the Central Fair and the Omemee Show

As I paid a visit to the Central Show at Peterborough you will want to hear from me about the sights. I expected to see a great deal more for twenty-five cents. However, I have no call to find fault. I had no trouble to get twelve prizes for vegetables. I think if it had not been for five or six exhibitors from Victoria they would have had a great many vacant places in the hall. It was the poorest affair we have had, but the authorities must be very smart moneymaking individuals. The drummed the last cent out of the people and would have liked to have had more. They kept us three days on expenses, and did their best to keep us the fourth. I thought I took enough of money to pay my expenses, but I had mighty hard work to keep from pawning the mule, as they got out their tambourines the third night, but it was a dead failure, so they turned us out into the wide world at ten o’clock the third night, but I had a mule and I came home through rain or shine and got home at two o’clock in the morning.

I have seen a better exhibition at Hardscrabble, (Glenarm); There were some choice mangels, carrots and turnips from Mr. Pratt of Cobourg. I always find him to the front. Mr. John Bailey of Emily came first for draught horses, and they were worthy of the honour. The horse show was first-rate. There was no opposition in machinery or in wagons and buggies; everyone had their own way.

Now, about Omemee show. I was there on Tuesday, and they can get up a first-rate show both in the hall and among the cattle and horses. Hon. Arthur McQuade, our worthy member, had some very choice cattle and Berkshire pigs. There was a splendid show of colts, and the ladies’ work was far ahead of Peterborough. The apples were choice, and roots of all kinds were very good except mangels, which seemed a poor display. When we began to gather up our apples we found it is the same Omemee yet no regulations, bad boys and plenty of them. I don’t think the authorities are able to make laws. I got eleven prizes. I had more competitors than in the Central. I think there is no reclaiming Omemee without hanging fifty of the worst boys, and then it would be a warning for the rest. If they would do it I would buy the rope.

George Calvert.

[Our veteran contributor is a privileged grumbler and grower and critic. With regard to the boys, the probability is that when a youngster he was as bad as any he complains of. Undoubtedly the mule was worse, and even now, after years of careful training, if one’s back was turned it would sacrifice its’ provincial reputation for a mouthful of apples or cauliflowers. The Peterborough exhibition was kept late in order that the people might see everything; and it is quite likely that the time for these shows will yet be extended to a week. Ed. Post.]

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