As I have little or nothing to do this stormy weather I thought I would give your readers an account of my first years in Upper Canada, or life 51 years ago. I landed in Port Hope in l832, the year of the cholera; we were not allowed to go into the town, we had shanties built on the lake shore. However, I stopped only two weeks, and then I hired out in the harvest for ten dollars per month, and I stopped six years, or at least six summers at the same place. I will tell you the bill of fare. We had whiskey on the table for breafast, and one black bottle to serve until noon; then we had whiskey on the dinner table, and one bottle to lust until tea; also whiskey for supper. This was the rations for two men. In the winter I chopped cordwood for 37 ½ cents per cord, and board myself. However, we had lively times. A bee every few days. Plenty of whiskey. two shillings a gallon. There was no God in those days. Dancing, whiskey and tobacco came first in estimation. Very few meeting houses were built. I had some business to come out to Cavan, and every tavern was full of drunken men racing and trading horses; and this was on a Sunday. How-ever, thank God, I have lived long enough to see these places and taverns all shut up, and meeting houses built. Now, sir, look what fifty years have done for Upper Canada, I will leave you to jndge. There was no Lindsay in those days. However, there was Omemee. Oats were six pence per bushel, and store pay at that. Now look at Lindsay, and we have different ways to go to the town. You can have your choice. I am sorry to say there are some parties who would rather have the old way when there was no God. Young men, beware of whiskey and tobacco, aud then you will choose the better way. Do it before it is too late. If the Salvation army don't move you you are immovable. Every christian in the town of Lindsay is praying for you. Remember.
G. Calvert.
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