OLD TIMES ARE RECALLED - Inspector Bradshaw
The long and well-written article which appeared in The Daily Warder last Tuesday on the visit of Mr. John Bradley, of Emporia, Kansas, to Lindsay and Janetville, has been widely read and many old citizens were reminded of various incidents of the by-gone days. Mr. Archie Bradshaw, Fish and Game Inspector, called on the Warder Friday afternoon, and in the short conversation with one of the reporters, related an incident that took place away back in the sixties, when a jolly hunting party comprising the following gentlemen, visited the vicinity of Head Lake and participated in a lively hunt for deer. They were: Messrs, Thos. Gladman , (brother of Mr.Gladman, of the post office); Wm. Needler, Archie Bradshaw, Robt. Green and Thos. Foley.
In Mr. Bradshaw’s own words, the story is as follows: We drove out to Head Lake for a hunt, to chase the monarchs of the forest, and they were forests in those days-large, tall trees contributed to the thick dense brush. After traveling for some time, we landed at the cottage of M. Adair who is referred to in the Warder’s article, and who was the author of those beautiful lines descriptive of the beauties of Head Lake and its placid waters. Mr. Adair and his worthy wife were very courteous, and obliging, and received us in a very friendly manner, and soon we were gathered around the family table and enjoying a delightful meal. The viands were numerous and tasty, and as we, after our travels, we’re tired and hungry, we the more thoroughly relished the appetizing spread.
“We were all seated around the cheerful room, when Mrs. Adair suggested to her husband that he recite to us his verses on Head Lake, and as we were anxious to hear the poetry, our host after a while consented. They were the same as those which appeared in The Warder last Tuesday, and they were indeed exceptionally well constructed and well recited.“It was a pleasure to sit back and listen to the old man recite to his small audience, and to listen to the various parts of the piece. He had various parts of the piece. He had the true form, and in his own peculiar manner he told of the enchanting beauties of Head Lake.
“Mrs. Adair suggested that it was excellent poetry, and thought that it should be reproduced in print, and we agreed with her, for certainly if it could have been reprinted in as vivid and picturesque manner as Mr. Adair related it, it would be a most interesting article. We departed and thanked out host and hostess most profusely for the very kind manner they had entertained us during our short stay.
“In those days we used entirely the old muzzle-loading shot gun, and I tell you they were a great deal different from the improved and modern guns that are now in use. But still in those days we considered them to be ideal weapons, and certainly we felt proud of them. Mr. Gladman was an expert deer hunter. We managed to secure one large buck, but were unfortunate enough to lose two of our best dogs.
“The pride of our party was the splendid, and improved rifle, which was the property of Mr. Wm. Needler. He had received it direct from Albany, N.Y., and it was the first ever used in this section of the country. It was considered a very handsome as well as useful gun, and Mr. Needler felt very proud of it. We spent many days in hunting, and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves,” said Inspector Bradshaw in conclusion.
It might be mentioned that out of the above party, only two survive, viz., Mr. Needler, and Mr. Bradshaw. And both are as enthusiastic as ever they were when it comes down to enjoying a good deer hunt. Both are keen sportsmen, and when they go hunting they generally return with abundance of good game. Mr. Needler, is still able to “paddle his own canoe.” And enjoy outdoor sports.
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