Kirkconnell, Walter (1893-1918). - Eldest son of T.A.K. In 1913-14, student in law at Osgoode Hall. Captain 45th Regt. and 14th Battn., C.E.F. Member of First Canadian Contingent, August 1914. Killed in action, battle of Amiens, August 8, 1918.
Kirkconnell, Watson (1895). - 2nd son of T.A.K. Honor Matriculation from Lindsay Collegiate Institute with 14 first class honors and 6 Queen's University scholarships in Mathematics, English and History, Moderns, and General Proficiency. Two years gymnastic and drill instructor and O.C. of L.C.I. Cadet Corps. Junior teacher Lindsay C.I. and Science Master Orillia. C.I. Classical specialist and M.A. degree from Queen's University at 20 after 3 years study. Five under-graduate scholarships and prizes in History, Greek, Latin, and English, and the gold medals in Greek and in Latin. Captain C.O.T.C. and 253rd Bn. C.E.F. Musketry Instructor, Barriefield Camp. Adjutant, Fort Henry, 1916-17. Paymaster and Accountant, Kapuskasing Camp, 1917-19. Original research articles on history, botany, and geology published in Queen's Quarterly, McLean's Magazine, Canadian Field-Naturalist, and Canadian Mining Journal. Awarded, 1921, Canadian I.O.D.E. travelling scholarship at Oxford University.
Knight, James Henry (1831-1910). - Teacher and inspector. Born at Cowes, Isle of Wight. Taught at Dunsford and Millbrook. 1871, apptd. Public School Inspector for East Victoria. Held appointment over 39 years. Treasurer, Upper Canada Bible Society. Head of C. of E. Temperance Society. President Children's Aid Society. Anglican. Organist, choir-leader, and hymn-writer. Four of his hymns in the Anglican Hymnal. Married Margaret Jane Noble of Sunderland. Two sons, one daughter.
Knowlson, Christopher (1804 -1880). - Pioneer. As young man settled in Omemee. Conservative. Anglican. Lieut-colonel in militia. Held many municipal appointments.
Knowlson, John (1803-1886). - Merchant. Born in Yorkshire, England. 1817, settled in Cavan tp., Ont. Thrice married. 1830, appointed first postmaster of Cavan and held position till 1855, when he moved to Lindsay. 1840, an active temperance worker. 1852, retired from the militia with rank of major. 1856, one of the founders of the Lindsay Land Co., which placed the Purdy Tract on the market. Opened drug store in partnership with Edmund Gregory. Soon withdrew, and went into the building business. Chiefly instrumental in organizing first horticultural society in Lindsay. Developed grape culture at Sturgeon Point.
Kylie, Edward J. (1881-1916). - Scholar, professor, imperialist, publicist, author. Born in Lindsay, son of Richard Kylie. Educated Lindsay Separate School, Lindsay Collegiate Institute, Toronto University, and Oxford University. On matriculation from L.C.I. secured first class honors in Classics and English and History and Mary Mulock scholarship in Classics. On graduation from Toronto University won the gold medals in Classics and in General Proficiency and the Flavelle Travelling Scholarship of $750 per year for two years at Oxford. After a very distinguished course at Balliol College, Oxford, returned to Canada as lecturer and later Associate Professor of Modern History at Toronto University. Prominent imperialist, and Canadian secretary of the Round Table groups. Interested in town-planning, and associated with the Toronto Housing Company. Author of "Life and Letters of Boniface" and a contributor to Shortt and Doughty's "Canada and Its Provinces." During the Great War became Captain and Adjuta
nt, 147th Battalion, C.E.F. Died of typhoid and pneumonia, 1916. Roman Catholic.
Laidlaw, George (1828-1889). - Born in Highlands of Scotland. Went to sea and visited Australia, Canada, etc. Grain-buyer in Toronto. Leading promoter of Toronto, Grey and Bruce, Credit Valley, Victoria, and other railways, thus tending to focus the trade of the province in Toronto. 1871, bought a ranch in Bexley, on Balsam Lake, to which he retired in 1881. Four sons, three daughters. At his death, the Toronto press referred to him thus: "One of the strongest characters of his day. One of the epoch-making men in the commercial growth of Canada. No man of his generation did as much for the material progress of Toronto as he. He came out of his railway enterprises a poor man."
Langton, John (1808-1894). - Born in Lancashire, England. M.A. of Cambridge University. 1833 settled in Fenelon Tp. M.P. first for the United Counties and later for Peterborough. 1856-1878, Auditor-General of Canada. 1856, laid corner-stone of present University of Toronto building. At Confederation, organized a system of public accounts for the Dominion. 1878, superannuated.
Leonard, James W. (1858-1919). - Born Epsom, Ont. 1872-1877, Midland Railway agent at Lindsay. 1877-78, agent of Victoria Ry., Lindsay. 1878-1880, asst. manager of Victoria Ry. Later with C.P.R. 1903-08, Asst. Gen. Manager, Eastern Lines. 1908-11, General Manager, Eastern Lines. 1911-19, Assistant Vice-President, C.P.R.
Lownsbrough, William (1838-1919). - Born Unionville, Ont. Many years farmer in Mariposa. Member township council for 27 years. Twice unsuccessful Liberal candidate in South Victoria. Customs officer at Lindsay, 15 years. Methodist. Three sons, three daughters.
Lynch, William V. (1855-1897).-Physician. Born Belleville, Ont. Married Agnes McGuirk of Barrie. One son. Educated St. Basil's College and Trinity College. 1885, began practice in Lindsay. Medical Health Officer. Organized local branch C.M.B.A.
Lytle, Herbert John (1850). - Born Mariposa. 1878, self-taught graduate in Pharmacy. Merchant in Cameron and Cambray. Member Hogg & Lytle grain firm. 1877-98, Clerk and treasurer of Fenelon Tp. Past manager Lindsay branch Ontario Bank and Bank of Montreal. Auditor of Lindsay. Has published manual of municipal rate tables.
Magwood, John (1848-1901). - Born Cavan t
p. 1869, settled in Eldon. In business at Victoria Road. 1895, managing director, Victoria Loan and Savings Co., Lindsay. Justice of the Peace. Methodist. Conservative. Married Mary Staples of Eldon. Four children.
Makins, John (1833-1917). - Born Kingston, Ont. 1852, first graduate apprentice of Kingston Locomotive Works. 1867, came to Lindsay and established foundry. Sold out 1898 to John McCrae.
Mann, Sir Donald (1850). - Born Acton, Ont. Foreman of lumber company at Fenelon Falls. 1880, became contractor in C.P.R. 1886, firm of McKenzie, Mann & Co. established which ultimately built up the Canadian Northern Railway system.
Matchett, Thomas (1826-1900). - Born Cavan Tp. 1846, began drug business in Omemee. 1850, married Letitia Jane Hughes. Two sons, two daughters. Treasurer of Emily. 1867, elected by acclamation M.P.P. for South Victoria and supported Sandfield Macdonald. 1875, appointed county clerk and treasurer of Victoria.
Matthews, George (1834-1914). - Born Birmingham, Eng. 1851, came to Canada and farmed in Peterborough county. 1859, married Ann Smithson. Six sons, four daughters. 1860, settled in Lindsay, where after a time he founded a pork-packing business, later "The George Matthews Co. Ltd.", with headquarters at Peterboro and plants at Hull, Peterboro and Brantford. Took great interest in Baptist denominational work.
Matthews, George Sands (1867). - Son of G.M. Born in Lindsay. 1895, married Frances Ratcliff. Three sons, one daughter. Director of Matthews-Blackwell Ltd. Vice-Pres., Brantford Roofing Co. Treasurer, Niagara Silk Co. Vice-Pres., Brantford Industrial Realty Co. 1911, President, Brantford Board of Trade. Baptist. Conservative.
Maunder, Joseph (1842-1918). - Born Darlington Tp. Brought early to Manilla. Business at Glandine; carriage factory at Little Britain; lumber business and flour mill at Lindsay. Two sons. Methodist.
Middleton, T.A. (1837-1909). - Born Fermanagh. 1842, brought to Canada. Taught school. Grocery and greenhouse, Lindsay. District agent, Mutual Life Assurance Co.
Morison, John (1818-1873). - Born Greenock, Scotland. 1849, settled as merchant in Woodville. Postmaster; township treasurer; reeve of Eldon; 1867, Liberal M.P. for North Victoria in first parliament of federated Canada.
McDonnell, William (1814-1900). - Born Cork, Ireland. 1830, brought to Peterboro. Studied at Law School of Pennsylvania. Settled in Lindsay in forties, and founded a tannery, and later a store. 1852, supervised first census of Victoria county. J.P. for Ops. 1857, in Customs Office, Lindsay. Lt.-Col., in militia. Composed both libretto and music for the 3-act opera, "The Fisherman's Daughter," put on at the Princess Theatre, Toronto. Wrote novels of a rationalistic character, "A Man From Mars," "The Heathens of the Heath," and "Exeter Hall," whose sale ran into the hundreds of thousands. Published two long narrative poems, "Manita" and "Cleopa".
McEvay, Fergus Patrick (1852-1911). - Roman Catholic archbishop. Born Downeyville, Victoria Co. Educated Lindsay Separate School, St. Michael's College, Toronto University, and Grand Seminary, Montreal. 1887, Rector St. Peter's Cathedral, Peterboro. 1899, Bishop of London, Ont. 1908, Archbishop of Toronto.
McHugh, Hon. George (1845). - Born Ops, son of Patrick McHugh, Sr., and Ann Walker. Married Margaret O'Neill of Peterboro. Two sons, one daughter. Past President Reform Association of South and West Victoria. 1896-1900, M.P. (Liberal) for South Victoria. 1901, appointed to Senate of Canada. Roman Catholic.
McHugh, John (1849-1897). - Brother of G. McH. Married Margaret Falvey. Two sons, one daughter. 1867, went to Iowa. Founded Cresco Union Savings Bank. President Iowa Stock Breeders' Association and director National Livestock Association of America. Outstanding orator and active politician. 1892, appointed National Bank Examiner. 1895, President Iowa Deposit and Loan Co. Roman Catholic.
McHugh, Patrick (1818-1863). - Born Ireland, son of Roger McHugh, a veteran of Waterloo. 1832, the family settled in Ops. 1842, married Ann Walker of Ops. Seven sons, six daughters. Represented Ops for several successive years on Council of United Counties of Peterboro and Victoria. 1863, first warden of independent county of Victoria.
McHugh, Patrick (1846-1902). - Son of foregoing. Born in Ops. 1862, worked on Great Lakes. 1884, elected to territorial legislature of Minnesota. First county commissioner of Cavalier county, Minn. Member of constitutional convention. Registrar of deeds. Postmaster of Langdon, Minn. Large real estate and industrial holdings.
McIntyre, Duncan John (1841-1920). - Judge. Born Tyree, Scotland. Twice married. One son, two daughters. 1847, brought to Canada. Educated in Mariposa schools and Toronto Normal. Taught 3 years. 1871, called to the bar and began practice in Lindsay. 1883-86, M.P.P. (Liberal) for South Victoria. 1890, Q.C. 1892, Police Magistrate of Lindsay. 1898, Junior Judge of Ontario county.
McKenzie, Sir William (1849).-Born Kirkfield, Ont. Married Margaret Merry of Kirkfield. Two sons, six daughters. Educated P.S. and Lindsay Grammar School. Taught school, kept store, and contracted on G.T.R. 1880, went west and contracted on C.P.R., doing much work in the Rocky Mts. 1886, joined Donald Mann in founding McKenzie, Mann & Co. Developed Canadian Northern Railway system. President Toronto Street Railway. President Winnipeg Electric Railway. President Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero Tramway Light and Power companies. Director of many other companies.
McKibbin, James (1808-1883). - Born Belfast, Ireland. 1830, came to Canada. 1853, became manager Bank of Upper Canada in Lindsay. 1863, became division court clerk and crown lands agent, Lindsay. 1869, county auditor. 1876, one of first board of license commissioners.
McLauchlin, W.H. (1824-1904). - Born Glengarry Co. Came to Mariposa in early forties. 1850, married Philadelphia Pearson. 1885, bought out tanning and shoemaking business of his brother, A.A. McLauchlin at "The Creek," Oakwood. Ran mails for 24 years. Liberal. Methodist. Prohibitionist.
McLaughlin, John F. (1864).-Son of John McLaughlin, of Cameron, Fenelon tp. 1889, gold medallist in philosophy at Victoria University, Toronto. 1891, lecturer in biology. 1892, gold medallist in divinity. 1893-94, post-graduate course at Oxford and Leipsic. 1894, appointed professor of oriental languages, Victoria University. At present Dean of the Faculty of Theology and Professor Old Testament Literature and Exegesis, Victoria University.
McLaughlin, R.J., K.C. (1860).-Brother of the foregoing. Taught school in Laxton and Mariposa. Studied law. Honor graduate and gold medallist of Law Society of Upper Canada. Took the most brilliant course ever recorded at Osgoode Hall. Medallist, with maximum marks on record, in each of the three years of his attendance. Unsuccessful Liberal candidate in North Victoria in federal election of 1895. Practised in Lindsay till 1909, when he removed to Toronto. K.C. and corporation lawyer. Senior member in law firms of McLaughlin, Fulton, Stinson, and Anderson (in Lindsay) and McLaughlin, Johnston, Moorehead, and Macauley (in Toronto).
McLennan, John (1830-1916).-Born Glengarry county, son of Roderick McLennan. 1855, graduated in Arts from Queen's University. 1861, founded hardware business in Lindsay. 1862, married Helen Scott of Martintown, Ont. Five sons, one daughter. Sheriff of Victoria co., 1885-1914. Presbyterian elder.
McNeillie, James Richardson (1846). - Born Dumfriesshire, Scotland, son of James R. McNeillie, (a schoolteacher), and Rachel Kerr. 1853, brought to Canada. 1861-72, in Omemee, associated in drug business and municipal work with Thos. Matchett. 1872-75, in business dept. of Montreal Telegraph Co., Toronto. 1875-1900, Assistant Clerk and Treasurer, Victoria co. Since 1900, Clerk and Treasurer. A governor and sec'y-treas. Ross Memorial Hospital. Chairman Lindsay Board of Education, 1891-99. 1909, President Canadian Conference of Charities and Correction. Conservative. Presbyterian. Married (1) 1872, to Esther Thornton (deceased) of Emily, and (2) 1882 to Loretta Gardiner of Morpeth. Three sons, one daughter.
McNeillie, James Kerr (1874). - Son of J.R. McN. Educated at Lindsay and after 1891 in practical service with the G.T.R. and C.P.R. 1915, made General Superintendent, Canadian Government Railways. Since 1919, Superintendent of the Susquehanna Division, Delaware and Hudson Railway.
McNeillie, Ralph Gardiner (1883). - Son of J.R. McN. Born Lindsay. Assistant General Passenger Agent, C.P.R., Winnipeg.
McPherson, Donald (1747-1857). -- Born Isle of Skye, Scotland. Sailor on man-of-war under Admiral Howe. 1821 came to Canada. Patentee settler on Lot 6, Con. IX, Ops. Never ill in his life. Died of old age at 110.
McRae, Duncan (1823-1879). -- Pioneer in North eldon. 1872, elected Conservative M.P.P. for North Victoria. Large lumbering business at Balsover.
McTavish, Rev. Dr. John (1816-1897).-- Presbyterian minister. Labored 1854-74 in Eldon, Fenelon, Carden, Therah, and Mara. Remarkable for fearlessness, physical strength and intellect.
Norris, G.A. (1824-1886). -- Physician. Born Kingston, Ont., son of Rev. J.A. Norris, a Methodist minister. Studied at Victoria Univ., and in London (Eng.) and Paris (France). The first Canadian to pass the Royal College of Physicians. Settled in Omemee. Reeve for many years. Conservative. Methodist. Twice married. Five children.
O'Leary, Jeremiah (1802-1894).-- Born Cork co., Ireland. 1830, came to Canada. Taught school in Clarke tp. 1836, married Sarah Loughlin. Eleven children. 1850, removed to Lindsay. Clerk of Ops, 1850-1892.
Ray, Angus (1806-1884).-- Born Islay, Scotland. Migrated first to North Carolina and then to Eldon, settling near Lorneville about 1833. School-teacher, postmaster, township clerk, farmer. Presbyterian.
Read, John L. (1830-1918).-- Founded store in Bobcaygeon 1858. Several times reeve. Thrice married. Two sons. Conservative. Presbyterian.
Reazin, Henry (1831-1902).-- Born in Pickering tp. Educated Toronto Normal and Toronto Univ. Taught at Whitby, Manilla and Lindsay. 1870-1902, inspector of Public Schools for West Victoria. Twice married. Seven children. Quaker. Conservative.
Reazin, Samuel (1829-1897).--Brother of H.R. 1850 married Eliza Mills. Two sons, three daughters. Settled in Fenelon. Several times reeve. Justice of the Peace. Lumber and grain business. For 20 years foreman of the Sylvester Works, Lindsay.
Russell, William (1831-1888).--Born Kilkenny, Ireland. Treasurer of Ops. Twice warden of Victoria. Married Caroline Dickinson of Emily. Conservative. Unsuccessful opponent of Hon. S.C. Wood in South Victoria in 1879.
Seton, Ernest Thompson (1860).--Born South Shields, Eng. 1865 brought to Ops township. Attended log public school at Farrell's Corners (east of Lindsay) and the Lindsay Grammar School. Later became naturalist to the Manitoba government. 1898 published "Wild Animals I Have Known." A score of subsequent publications on natural history. Associate member R.C.A.A.
Sherwood, William Albert (1855-1919).-- Born Omemee. Educated local Grammar School. Became prominent Canadian artist. Many Canadian genre pictures and many portraits. Lectures and magazine articles. Associate Royal Canadian Academy. Member Ontario Society of Artists.
Silverwood, Albert E. (1876).--Born Oakwood. Educ. Oakwood P.S. and Lindsay C.I. 1901, married Eva M. Ferris, of Lindsay. One son, one daughter. President and Managing Director of Silverwoods Ltd., London, Ont., dealers in cold storage products and mfrs. of ice cream and butter.
Smale, Frederik J. (1871-1908).--Scientist, business man. Born in Ops, son of Isaac Smale. Educ. Lindsay Collegiate Institute and Toronto University. 1892, while in final year at Varsity, won 150 pounds scholarship with thesis on Phosphines. 1895, degree of Ph.D. from Leipsic University, Germany, after three years of post-graduate study. Appointed lecturer in chemistry at Toronto University. 1900, entered Wm. Davies Co., Toronto, where he became Assistant General Manager.
Smale, Newton (1868).--Brother of F.J.S. Liberal. Unsuccessful opponent of S.J. Fox in provincial election of 1902. Assistant manager, Victoria Loan and Savings Co.
Spratt, Michael J.(1834).--Roman Catholic Archbishop. Born in Lindsay. Educ. Lindsay Sep. School, St. Michael's College, and Grand Seminary, Montreal. Priest at Toledo, Elgin, Trenton, and Belleville. 1911, made Archbishop of Kingston.
Stafford, Rev. Michael (1832-1882).--Roman Catholic priest and apostle of temperance. Born Drummond tp. Educ. Theresa College, Montreal, and Regiopolis College, Kingston. 1859, ordained priest. 1868-1882, resident priest at Lindsay. His ceaseless fight against the universal drunkenness which debauched and impoverished the countryside is due more credit than any other single factor for the present prosperity of the county.
Staples, Daniel (1837-1885).--Born Cornwall, Eng. 1859, came to Canada. 1863, settled in Laxton tp. Township clerk for 18 years.
Staples, Joseph (1826-1878).--Born Cavan tp. 1862, settled in Bexley. Reeve from the very first. Warden of Victoria for 2 periods of 3 successive years (1866-68 and 1870-72). 1867, unsuccessful Conservative opponent of A.P. Cockbrun in Ont. election. 1872, defeated John Morrison, late member, in the Dominion election. Did not run again in 1874. Married Miss Peel, of Bexley. Died of consumption.
Stewart, Thomas (1856-1918).--Lawyer. Born Ormestown, P.Q. 1859, brought to Lindsay. 1877, admitted to the bar and began practice in Lindsay. Married Lillian Grieg, of Oshawa. Two sons, one daughter. Liberal. In 1905 and 1908, unsuccessful opponent of S.J. Fox in provincial elections. Presbyterian elder. Over 30 years a member Lindsay Board of Education, and Chairman of Board 1900-1912.
Sylvester, Robert H. (1847-1914).-- Born Inniskillen, Ont. 1873, married Miss M.J. Clemens of Darlington tp. One son, three daughters. In early eighties, began large factory of agricultural implements in Lindsay in partnership with his brother Richard. Took part in Fenian Raid campaign, 1866. 1903-13, Lieut-colonel in command of 45th Regiment. Conservative. Anglican.
Twomey, Jeremiah (1820-1895).--Born Cork co., Ireland. 1853, established blacksmithing business in Fenelon Falls. Large real estate holdings. 1855, married eldest daughter of P. Power. Eleven children.
Vrooman, Adam Edward (1847).--Born Brock tp., son of James Vrooman and Rhoda Johnston. Educated Lindsay Grammar School and Trinity University. Degree of M.D. Practised as physician in Little Britain and Lindsay. 1873, married Mary, daughter of R.F. Whiteside, of Little Britain. One son, one daughter. 1900, elected Conservative M.P. for South Victoria. 1911-15, M.P.P. for West Victoria. Methodist. Conservative.
Walker, David (1838-1908).-- Born in Ops, son of John Walker and Catherine McDonough. 1868, married Mary O'Connell. Four sons. Reeve of Ops, 1874-1897.
Walker, Frank (1840-1889).-- Brother of D.W. Lawyer. Ten years at Regiopolis College, Kingston, in classics, philosophy, and literature. 1865, settled in Dubuque, Iowa. Married, Nellie Leyden of Dubuque. Three sons, six daughters. 1873, partner in firm of Walker & Rhomburg. Law, loans, real estate. Many large enterprises. Died at Capri, Italy.
Walker, John (1796-1880).-- Born Tyrone, Ireland. 1817, married Catherine McDonough. May 1831, came to Canada and settled on Lot 15, Con. VII, Ops. At his death his descendants numbered 137.
Wallis, James (1810-1893).--Born Glasgow, Scotland. 1832 came to Canada. Built up big lumbering business at Fenelon Falls and so helped to found the village. Built and owned steamer "Ogemah." Later retired to Peterboro.
Walters, Thomas (1838-1904).-- Born Blackdown, Devonshire, Eng. 1853, brought to Portsmouth, Ont. Served apprenticeship in local shipyard and became master ship-builder. 1865, settled in Lindsay. Built steamers "Champion," "Commodore," "Victoria," "Nipissing," etc. Many dredging operations and other contracting for Dominion Govt. 1880, appointed Superintendent of Public Works for Ontario. 1887-90, mayor of Lindsay. Twice married. Seven children.
Weldon, Jesse (1810-1891).--Born near Ottawa, of English parentage. 1834, settled on Lot 19, Con. 10, Mariposa. First president of first temperance society in Mariposa. Methodist. Liberal.
Whiteside, Jacob L. (1837-1886).-- Born near Holland Landing, Ont. 1842, brought to Mariposa. 1871, married Harriet Grace Power and moved to Toronto to study law. 1876, became barrister. 1879, took degree of Bachelor of Laws. 1880, appointed stipendiary magistrate in Haliburton county.
Whiteside, William N. (1840-1888).--Physician. Brother of J.L.W. and 3rd son of R.F. Whiteside. 1863, graduated with honors from Toronto Medical College. Served as army surgeon with northern U.S. army in Virginia. Finally settled at Beeton, Ont. 1874, married Joanna Prior, of Mariposa. Two children.
Wilkinson, Joseph (1817-1891).--Born Northumberland, Eng. 1853, carriage-maker at Lindsay. 1855, settled on site of Cambray and founded saw and shingle mill. Married Sarah Jarvis. Three children.
Wood, Hon. Samuel Casey (1836-1913).--Born Bath, Ont. Taught school. Then kept store at Taylor's Corners, Oakwood, and Port Hoover. First clerk and treasurer of Victoria county, 1861. Liberal. 1871, elected M.P.P. for South Victoria. 1875, entered Mowat Cabinet. Successively Provincial Secretary and Registrar, Commissioner of Agriculture, and Provincial Treasurer. 1883, left legislature to become manager of Freehold Loan and Savings Co., Toronto. Later director of many other corporations. 1854, married Maria Parkinson of Mariposa. Three son, two daughters.
Workman, Hugh (1832-1895).--Born near Mt. Pleasant. 1853, married Margaret Henderson. Two sons, five daughters. Came to Lindsay and secured mail contracts. Large livery business. 1869, large mills at Minden.
Wylie, Thomas (1841-1915).-- Physician. Bred in Mariposa. 1866, graduated as M.D. Practised in Manilla, Duntroon, Stayner, and Toronto. Twice Conservative M.P.P. for West Simcoe.
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