History of Victoria County - Part 22 - Surviving Pioneer Families in Ops.

Descendants of the following 56 pioneer patentees in Ops still hold the original farms today: -- Robert Blaylock, XI 5; Francis Brady, V 6; William Brady, V 6; Owen Carlin, VI 9; Arthur Collins, IX 15; John Connell, III 7; Wm. Corley, IV 20; Charles Corneil, XI 7; Andrew Costello, I 22; John Cudahee, I 10; Patrick Cunningham, VIII 15; John Deyell VIII 4 and 5; George Downey, VIII 6; Timothy Finnegan, II 13; James Graham, II 24; Wm. Graham, I 24; Peter Greenan, VI 9; Abraham Hartley, X 18; Sampson Hazelton, IV 21; Thomas Hawkins, VIII 8; Joseph Hickson, IX 9; John Hickson Sr., IX 8; John Hickson Jr., IX 8; Timothy Heenan, IX 19; Samuel Jamieson, VII 8; Patrick Leddy, III 20; Thomas Lee, VI 5; John Logie, VII 20; Isaac Moynes, II 28; John Murphy, V 11; Michael Murphy, V 11; Roger McHugh, V 14; Patrick McHugh, III 5; Michael McCabe, VII 5; David McGahey, VI 14; Wm. McGinnis, XI 21; Alex. McNeil, III 26; Elizabeth Pogue, X 1; James Pogue, XI 1; William Pogue, I 16; Charles Peel, XI 19; Thomas Ray, III 15; James Rea, X 6; William Rea Jr., X 6; Joseph Reynolds, VII 5; Robert Reynolds, VII 5; Wm. Reynolds, VII 5; Thomas Robertson, VI 15; Edward Shaw, XI 2; Richard Shaw, IX 5; John Shea, V 8; Mary Shea, V 8; Edward Tully, V 18; Peter Tully, V 9 and 18; John Walker, VII 15; Benjamin White, X 25.

The following 89 patentees' families are represented but not on the old farms: -- Thomas Bell, Philip Bennett, Wm. Best, James Blackwell,John Blackwell, Wm. Blackwell, Michael Brady, Philip Brady, Garrett Brock, Samuel Brown, Charles Burke, Elizabeth Burke, Patrick Burke, Robert Clarke, Catherine Collins, Timothy Collins, Richard Connor, David Corneil, James Cudahee, James Cunningham, John Cunningham, Joanna Curtin, John Ellis, Philip Farrelly, Daniel Finnegan, Patrick Finnegan, Duncan Fisher, Patrick Fitzpatrick, Robert Finnegan, John Graham, Andrew Hall, James Hall, Cornelius Hogan, James Hogan, John Hogan, Patrick Hogan, Martin Hogan, Richard Houghton, Alex. Hunter, Francis Hutton, James Hutton, George Jackson, John Kennedy, James Kerr, Wm. Jackson, Patrick Lee, William Logie, John Lynch, William Lynch, James Maloney, John Maloney, Thomas Miller, Dennis Murphy, Samuel Magahey, Andrew Magee, Francis McCabe, James McCabe, Patrick McCabe, Bernard McGeough, Charles Naylor, John Naylor, John Nugent, Thomas Nug ent, Maurice O'Connell, Patrick O'Connell, Samuel Parkin, John Peel, James Powers, Michael Quillan, David Ray, Thomas Rea, William Rea, James Reid, Wm. Robertson, Thomas Robinson, Jeremiah Scully, James Shea, Thomas Simons, John Sloan, Robert Thorne, Daniel Twohey, Dennis Twohey, James Twohey, John Twohey, Thomas Twohey, James Walker, Ann White, George Wilson, James Wilson.

Patentee Survivors In Mariposa.

The farms of the following 22 Mariposa pioneers are still held by their descendants: -- Hugh Cameron, III 9; John Campbell, XIV 10; Kenneth Campbell, XIV 10; Wm. Clark, XV 2; Wm. Copeland, XIII 6; Hugh Dundas, VIII 22; Stephen Dundas, VIII 22; Wm. Eakins, VI 22; Robert Edwards, I 16; John Ferguson, V 2; Archibald Glenny, V 17; Samuel Kirkland, X 10; Daniel Lee, XI 15; Malcolm McArthur, XV 16; Andrew McKay, XIII 16; Donald McKinnon, II 3; Norman McLeod, XV 9; William McLeod, XV 9; Andrew McPherson, XI 9; Thomas Smith, I 9; Charles Truax, VII 2; Wm. Wright, XII 6.

Descendants of the following 97 patentees are found on farms other than those originally granted by the Crown; Henry Armitage, Jesse Armitage, David Benson, John Black, Abraham Bowes, Hollis Bowes, John Broad, George Brown, Peter Brown, Samuel Campbell, Donald Campbell, Hugh Carmichael, Donald Carmichael, Aaron Choate, Jacob Choate, Nathan Choate, Thomas Choate, Ira Clarke, Paul Cole, Archibald Currie, Thomas Clarke, Samuel Davidson, John Davidson, Seymour Dean, Theodore Dean, David Dundas, Henry Dunn, James Emmerson, Ann Ferguson, Malcolm Ferguson, Martha Ferguson, Neil Ferguson, Robert Foster, Wm. Galloway, Robert Glenny, Edward Graham, Elizabeth Grant, Hector Grant, Reuben Grant, James Hall, John Hall, Matthew Hancock, Gilbert Harris, Robert Irwin, Stephen James, Benjamin Johnston, Thomas Johnston, Amos Lake, Francis Lane, Richard Mark, Samuel Metherell, Bartholomew Mitchell, Christopher Mitchell, Jacob Mitchell, Donald McDonald, Jane McDougall, James McElroy, Matthias McKay, John McKinnon, Neil McKinnon, Angus McLean, John McLean, Norman McLean, John McKague, Susan McTaggart, Duncan McTaggart, Robt. McNab, Aaron Nichols, James Nicholls, Nathan Nicholls, Robert Nicholls, Austin Noble, Wm. Patterson, Peter Philips, James Pogue, Wm. Richardson, Asa Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Joseph Russell, John Scott, Sarah Sinclair, George Sowden, John Spark, Lewis Styles, Joseph Tinney, John Thompson, James Tolmie, David Tripp, George Wallis, Samuel Webster, Wm. Webster, Jacob Whiteside, Hannah Williams, Edward Wilson, Lorraine Wilson, John Wylie, Isaac Yerex.

Patentee Survivors in Verulam.

The following 25 Verulam patentees are still represented on their original farms: -- Wm. Brandon, II 30; Wm. Brown, VIII 9; John Davidson, IX 4; John Duggan, I 25; William Elliott, VI 28; Wm. Flett, IV 32; Thomas Forest, VIII 2; William Foster, IX 31; Matthew Ingram, VIII 20 and 21; John Junkin, III 4; Wm. Kennedy, II 2; Richard Middleton, VIII 8; Robert Mitchell, V 3; Peter Murdock, VI 6; John McDonald, V 4; James McFeeters, VIII 1; James Prescott, VIII 28; Joseph Ray, I 14; Alexander Robertson, V 8; Robert Robertson, V 10 and 11; Irwin Simpson, IX 2; Thomas Steele, VIII 6; Carnaby Thurston, II 7; Henry Thurston, II 5; Jonas Thurston, IV 2.

Descendants of the following 17 patentees are still in the township but not on the original farms: -- David Ball, Thomas Beatty, Alexander Bell, Henry Brandon, John Brandon, James Brooks, Mary Coulter, John Crowe, Edward Davidson, Henry Devitt, John Devitt, Thos. Devitt, Wm. Devitt, Andrew Finley, Robert Graham, Patrick Henderson, David Hunter, Garner Hunter, John Hunter, James Junkin, Lancelot Junkin, Edward Kelly, James Kennedy, David Lamb, John Lamb, David Long, Wm. Long, Lewis Meyers, David Murdock, James Murdock, Hugh McCallum, James McCallum, Peter McDonald, Robert Parker, Edward Prescott, Andrew Robertson, John Sproule, John Taylor, Christopher Thompson, George Thompson, Jabez Thurston.

Fenelon Township Patentee Survivals

The following 18 Fenelon patents are still in the original hands: -- James Bate, V 6; Dougald Brown, IV 20; Amos Coates, I 8 and 9; John Cook, VI 9; Wm. Hall, III 8; John Hay, X 6; Charles Hore X 3; John Irwin, XI 3; Joseph Littleton, IX 19; Angus McFadyen, III 15; Randal McFadyen, III 15; Donald McKenzie, VI 1; Archibald McNeevin, V 21; Robt. McNeevin, IV 20; Elias Palmer, VI 24; Thomas Smithson, III 19 and 20; Robt. Tompkins, III 1; David Scott Willock, VII 5.

The following 53 patentees are represented on farms other than their own original holdings: -- Alexander Beggs, James Brien, Thomas Brien, Francis Brown, Donald Campbell, James Campbell, John Chambers, Benjamin Clark, John Douglas, William Ellery, John Daniel, William Ellis, Ralph Faulkner, Samuel Faulkner, Duncan Graham, Thomas Graham, Wm. Graham, Andrew Hall, Edward Hamilton, Andrew Hamilton, Francis Hay, James Hay, George Irwin, James Irwin, Robert Irwin, Wm. Kennedy, Martin Lee, Wm. Marsh, John Moffat, Isaac Moynes, Thomas Moynes, John McArthur, John McCarrell, Colin McFadyen, Mary McKay, Isabella McKenzie, Donald McKinnon, Alexander McNabb, Hiram Nelson, Thomas Oakley, Margaret Patton, Henry Powell, John Powell, Margaret Powell, Thomas Rea, Dugald Sinclair, Richard Smithson, William Smithson, Thomas Tamblyn, Robert Thompson, James Wallace, Robert Wilson, Joseph Worsley, George Wright.

Next - History of the County of Victoria Part 22

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