Mary Black, XI 17; Neil Brown, XII 19; Alex. Cameron, VI 25; Alex. Campbell, II 12; Archibald Campbell, II 12; Donald Campbell, V20; Neil Campbell, II 9; John Ferguson, XI 15; John Fraser, VII 22; Charles Fry, SPR 55-6; John Gillespie, VII 11; Thomas Graves, X20; Angus Logan, X20; Thomas Lyons, V6; Moses Mitchell, NPR 53-4; Roger Moran, X 12; John Morrison, VI 20; James McAlpine, II 6; Duncan McArthur, V 9; John McArthur, VIII 7; Peter McArthur, VII 7; Duncan McCorquodale, I 2; Allan McEachern, III 11; Archibald McEachern, II 22; Donald McEachern, V 15; Dugald McEachern, IV 10; Duncan McEachern, III 15; Hugh McEachern, IV 7; Lachlin McEachern, X 23; Malcolm McEachern, II 11 and 15; Neil McEachern, VII 3; Neil McEachern VIII 24; Ronald McEachern, II 20; Wm. McEachern, VIII 24; Ann McDonald, II 23; John McDonald, III 19; Donald McFadyen, II 17; Samuel McFadyen, X 8; Dougald McGillvary, SPR 12; John McGillvray, VII 23; John McInnis, VIII 16; Malcolm McMillan, VIII 6; Neil McNabb, IX 20; Duncan McPherson, IV 4; James McPherson, IV 4; Colin McRae, VIII 23; John McRae, SPR 30; John Nicholls, SPR 21; John Pearce, XI 21; George Ross, II 16; Duncan Smith, V5; John Spence, X5; Wm. Taylor, XI 26; John Torrey, V 15.
The following 99 patentees are represented on farms in Eldon, other than those originally held:
John Bell, Duncan Brown, Frederick Brown, Angus Cameron, Archibald Cameron, Donald Cameron, Ewan Cameron, James Cameron, John Cameron, Lachlan Cameron, David Campbell, Duncan Campbell, John D. Campbell, James Campbell, Hugh Campbell, George Campbell, Peter Campbell, William Campbell, John Collins, Walter Coulter, Wm. Dixon, Wm. Dunn, Angus Ferguson, Alex. Ferguson, Israel Ferguson, Donald Fraser, Thomas Fraser, Hector Frazer, John Fry, Donald Gilchrist, James Gilchrist, John Gilchrist, Alex. Gillanders, Dugald Gillespie, John Gillies, John Gilmour, Donald Grant, Finlay Grant, John Grant, Roderick Grant, Wm. Grant, Dougald Mathieson, Wm. Mitchell, Alex. Munro, James Munro, Thomas Munro, John Murray, Neil Murray, Alex. McAlpine, Donald McArthur, Margaret McCorquadale, Angus McCuaig, Angus McDonald, Donald McDonald, Finnan McDonald, Ronald McDonald, Thomas McDonald, John McDougall, Neil McDougall, Eachern McEachern, Farquhar McEachern, John McEachern, Kenneth McEwan, Peter McEwan, Archibald McFadyen, John McFadyen, John McInnes, Allan McInnis, Donald McInnis, Alex. McIntyre, Angus McIntyre, Archibald McIntyre, Andrew McIntyre, John McIntyre, Alex. McKay, John McKay, Alex. McLean, Hector McLean, John McLean, Angus McLeod, John McMillan, Duncan McNabb, Archibald McPhail, Andrew McPherson, Lachlan McQuarrie, Donald McRae, Duncan McRae, Farquhar McRae, John Smith, John Sutherland Jr., John Sutherland Sr., John Thornton, Wm. Walker, Wm. Williamson, Benjamin Wilson, James Wilson, John Wilson, Wm. Wright, Richard Uncles.
Patentee Survivals in Somerville
The following 13 patentees' farms in Somerville remain with the original families:
Ralph Byrne, VIII 3; John Coulter, II 2; Wm. Cundill, FR 12; George Eades, II 24; John Fell, I 13- 14; Edward Hopkins, I 7 and II 6; Wm. Mason, FR 10; Donald Murray, FR 53; Thomas Smith, I 12; Isaac Watson, FR 5; James White, FR 55; Andrew Wilson, XIII 7, William Young, VII 2.
Descendants of the following 18 patentees are in the township but not on the original holdings:
James Blackwell, Benjamin Burtchaell, George Cavanagh, Joseph Eades, Christopher Fell, Amos Feren, Eli Feren, James Mitchell, Alex. Murray, Thomas Murray, Robert Magahey, Henry McGee, Roderick O'Brien, Alexander Rettie, George Rumney, Richard Stewart, John Taylor, James Umphrey.
No farms in Bexley remain in the original hands. The following 7 patentees are, however, represented elsewhere in the township:
William Dawson, Richard Harrison, Lois Johnston, James Lytle, William Lytle, William Moore, Donald Murray.
The following 26 Laxton patentees are still represented on the original farms:
Augustine Angers, XI 2; Gideon Bailey, III 5; Mary Bailey, IV 7; Alexander Boyce, XI 12; Peter Burgess, IV 11; Edward Butterworth, I 8; and II 4; James Campbell, VIII 7; Edward Commerford, III 13; Edward Elson, VII 7; Michael Foley, I 18; Frank Hero, XI 1; Richard Hoskin, XI 11; Elizabeth Martin, IX 6; George Martin, VIII 6; Jesse Parkin, IX 12; G. M. Perkins, XI 5; John Perkins, XI 5; Wm. Perkins, XI 5; Edward Ryan, V8; Henry Southern, V5 and 7; Robert Staples, VI 2; Edward Stephens, IX 8; Cornelius Sullivan, III 10-11; James Wakelin, IX 2; Isaac Wicks, X 11; Wm. Winterburn, VII 11.
The following 9 patentees are represented on farms other than the original lots:
George Adair, Jesse Adair, George Armstrong, John Butterworth, John Commerford, John Elson, James Gunn, Albert Southern, Daniel Staples.
The following 41 Carden patentees' farms are still held by their descendants:
Mary Ann Barrett, VII 4; Edward Burke, IV 2; Patrick Cronin, VII 1; John Chrysler, IV 16-17; Moses Dack, III 12; Thomas Dack, III 13; Robert Dack, III 13; Daniel Day, I 22; Isaac Day, I 28; Joseph Deverill, VI 21-22; Charles Duggan, X 8; John Finn, VI 6; Wm. Finn, VI 6; George Fox, III 16; Wm. Holder, IX 11; Robert Irwin, III 15; Wm. Ivory, III 16; James Jacob, VIII 18; George Jarrett, IV 25; Patrick Moran, II 7; John Mullaley, IX 12; Thomas Mullaley, IX 11; John McCrackin, VI 23-24; Robt. McCrackin, VI 24; Francis McElroy, V 5; Andrew McNab, I 21-23; Jas. McNab, III 3; Daniel McNamee, VIII 5; Luke McNaney, IX 5; Pat McNaney, IX 6; Michael McNulty, V 5; Adam McPeak, IV 19; John Scott, I 6; Edward Sheehy, VI 2; John Teel, IX 13; Artemus Thompson, I 19; Solomon Thompson, I 18; John Turner, VIII 23; James Wetherup, IX 25; Nicholas Whalen, IV 4; John Wilson, IV 22.
Descendants of the following 42 patentees have changed farms within the township:
Wm. Alton, John Barrett, David Burk, Elizabeth Chrysler, Thomas Crawford, Asel Day, Joel Day, John Deverill, John Drury, James Drury, Marty Duggan, David Finn, Michael Finn, Cornelius Foley, Daniel Foley, James Foley, Michael Foley, Alex. Graham, Andrew Graham, Hugh Graham, John Holder, Caleb Martin, Anthony Moran, John Murphy, Michael Murphy, Joseph McCrackin, Charles McDonald, Hector McDonald, Margaret McDonald, Patrick McGee, Colin McNab, John McNaney, James McNulty, John O'Connor, John O'Donell, James O'Neill, John O'Neill, Thomas Preston, Perry Teel, Franklin Thompson, Andrew Wylie, Thomas Wylie.
The following 8 patentee farms in Digby remain in the original families:
Daniel Foley, I 34-35; Thomas H. Gostlin, I 10-11; Robert Muir, III 37; Kenneth McDonald, II 30; James McFadyen, IV 27; Patrick McFadyen, IV 26; Francis Reid, III 23-25; James Suter, IV 35-36.
The following 9 patentee names are still represented but on other farms: John Bailey; Alex. McDonald, Andrew McDonald, Daniel McDonald, John McDonald, Neil McDonald, Edward McFadyen, Richard Peel, Robert Tufts.
Survivals in Dalton Township
The following 24 Dalton patentees' farms are still in the original families:
Christopher Adams, I 17; Thomas Brooks, XIII 28; John Campbell, XI 16-17; John Carler, III 28; Wm. Chrysler, I 11; Wm. Eldridge, VII 24; John Fleming, IV 31; John Gilmore, II 1; Frederick Gregg, VII 25-26; Thomas Hart, IX 26; Thomas Joslin, IX 28; Charles Kett, VIII 24; James Kett, VII 28; William Kett, VII 29; Thomas Morton, VIII 21; Wm. McCutcheon, XIII 17-21; Alex McFadyen, III 27; Duncan McIntosh, IX 25; George Smith, I 26; Aaron Snider, IV 19; Robert Stein, XI 9-10; Henry Stewart, I 7; Joseph Thompson, III 16-17; Nancy Turner, IV 26-27.
The following 20 patentees are represented on farms other than the original holdings:
Wm. Adams, Thomas Braden, Samuel Camick, Alexander Cathcart, James Cathcart, Thomas Cooper, John Dewell, Robert Fleming, Edward Gardiner, James Johnson, Alex. Montgomery, George McLeish, John Oxby, Henry Powell, John Reid, George Sandford, Isaac Snider, Robert Young, William Young, Angus Snider.
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