IRWIN Family: Contributed by Ross Irwin


Ross W. Irwin, 2001
Names include variants - Irwin, Irwine, Urwin, Irvin, Irvine, Erwin, Erwine, Irvan
Alexander 1832 1850 Alice Rutledge Weston Artemesia C61 Sligo
Alexander 1798 1850 Frances Dev Burrass 1805 Weston Artemesia Atl Sligo Fannybrook
Alexander 1836 Sarah J. Stugey 1840 Kingston M63 Fermanagh
Allan 1847 Sarah Griffin Harvey Antrim
Andrew 1826 Eliza A. Hart Norfolk C51
Charles 1822 Effie Hemphill Artemesia
Charles 1828 Eliza Ann Brock
Christopher 1836 unn Usborne C51
Christopher 1811 Catherine 1812 Emily GalwayHarvey
Christopher 17-- 1850 Elizabeth Moore Tyrone Clogher
Christopher 1820 1850 Jane McCutcheon Hope Proton C51 Tyrone Omagh
Christopher 1827 1850 Mary Jane Carter Weston Artemesia Sligo
Daniel 1809 Sophia Brock Reach C51 N.S.
David 1810 Eleanor Brock C61
David 1803 W. Kingston C51
David Janet Graham
David 1811 1822 Margaret Wright Cavan Mariposa
Edward Martha Wolfe Is M60 Armagh
Edward J. 1837 1839 Jane McCullough 1843 Hope C51
Ephraim Isabella Esquising M65 Tyrone
Francis 1799 unn Ancaster
Francis William 1821 1832 Elizabeth Reynolds Cartwright Turnberry A42
Frederick 1833 Susan Otonabee Douro C51
George 1839 Cavan
George 1770 Margaret Erskine Bayfield Antrim
George Mary Stinson Tor Angl
George 1788 1831 Mary Wood Fenelon Cavan
George 1807 May Bennett Tecumseh Armagh
George Sarah Kitchen Southwold
Girard 1830 Usborne C51
Henry 1795 1832 Margaret Little Burford Illinois Armagh
Henry 1826 Salina Manvers Ops
Henry J, 1834 Abigail Bebee Hope
James 1833 Fullerton C51
James 1807 1837 Essa
James 1837 Kitley C51
James 1839 Cavan
James 1802 ?? Colchester
James Eva Wolfe Is
James 1815 Frances Hope C61
James Francis Haldimand
James 1810 Jane Culbert Cavan Mariposa
James Jane Downie Marmora
James Margaret Kingston
James Margaret Halton Tyrone
James Mary Seymour Cavan
James 1826 Mary Ann Ashfield C51
James Mary Anne Irwin Tyrone ClogherBigh
James 1818 Mary Dun London
James 1821 1850 Mary Jane Moffet Fenelon Fenelon C61 Cavan Ardmone
James 1820 Sarah Jane Fenelon HamiltonC C51 Fermanagh
James 1832 unn Cartwright Howick
James Moore 1841 Anne Boyd Dublin
John 1796 Colchester C61
John 1821 Otonabee C51
John 1833 Usborne C51
John 1839 Cavan
John 1841 1850 Ann Jane Nixon Hope Proton C51 Tyrone Omagh
John 1812 Anne Emily Peterboro C71
John 17-- 1832 Deborah Stockman Cartwright A42
John 1782 Eliza Usborne C51
John 1809 Eliza Brock C51
John 1833 Eliza Howick C51
John 1834 Eliza A. Peterboro
John 1841 Eliza Ann Wolfe Is
John 1811 1844 Elizabeth Dobbin Darlington Ops Cavan
John 1803 Ellen Hope C51
John Hannah Welsh Montreal Kingston
John 182- 1832 Helen Cartwright A42
John Lucinda Hope
John 1822 Margaret C51
John 1839 Margaret Middlesex Cavan
John Margaret Cavan
John 1820 Margaret Eyers Fenelon C61 Fernamagh
John 1832 Margaret Stevenson Brock Lindsay
John Martha Hastings
John 1880 Martha Fortune Manor Hamilton
John 1787 Mary Bastard C61
John Rebecca McDowell Wolfe Is
John Jr Darlington A43
John King 1849 1850 Isabella Rogers Darlington Fenelon C51 Cavan Ardmone
John Livingstone 1829 1855 Margaret Moffet Mariposa Fenelon C61 Cavan Ardmone
John Sr 17-- Deborah Stockman Cartwright Wellesley
John T. 1794 1839 Lucinda A. Bradley Hope
Joseph 1821 Eliza Blanchard C51
Joseph Mary Seymour
Joseph 1806 Mary Pritchard
Joseph 1808 Rachel Harvey Peterboro C51
McCausland 1777 Jane Blanchard C51
Richard 1845 1876 Bruce
Richard 1825 1842 Helen McLean Quebec London Belfast
Richard Mary Lawler Tor Angl
Richard 1831 Sarah A. Mariposa Reach
Richard Sarah Gourley Kingston Fermanagh
Robert 1843 Darlington Ops C51 Cavan
Robert 1849 Hope
Robert 1824 Anne O'Brien Montreal Derry
Robert 1823 1831 Catherine Elliott Fenelon Mariposa
Robert 1814 Eleanor Arnett Cobourg Cavan Tuithill
Robert 1805 Esther Reach C61
Robert 1844 1844 Jane O'Brien Fenelon Ops Cavan
Robert 1845 1850 Mary Jane Talbot Hope Proton C51 Tyrone Omagh
Robert 1813 1840 Mary Jane Taylor Cavan Marip-Carden Monaghan
Robert 1802 Rebecca Hope C51
Robert 1826 1850 Sarah King Darlington Fenelon C51 Cavan Ardmone
Robert 1816 Susan Cavan C61
Samuel 1828 1831 Ann Jane Pogue Mariposa Lindsay Louth
Samuel 1801 Jane McAllister Granby
Samuel Mary Toronto Antrim
Samuel 1811 May Melanchton
Stewart 1821 Kitley C51
Thomas 1862 EWawanosh Cork
Thomas 1834 1853 Artemesia
Thomas 1836 Usborne C51
Thomas 1822 Blanchard C51
Thomas 1821 Barbara McFarland Tyrone
Thomas 1801 Eliza Emily C51
Thomas 1832 Elizabeth Cartwright Culross
Thomas Jane
Thomas Lucinda LaRue Hope
Thomas 1836 Margaret HamiltonC C71
Thomas 1835 1836 Nancy Mersea Armagh
Thomas 1834 1850 Sophia James Weston Artemesia Sligo
Thomas Del. 1843 1861 Isabella Hamilton Montreal Armagh Carnagh
William 1819 Kitley C51
William 1797 Hullet C51
William 1825 --- Hasley Ottawa Down/Belfast
William Admira Cole
William Agnes Halton
William Ann Rose Tor Angl
William Anna Tanner Port Hope
William 1816 Anne Peterboro Fenelon Falls C51
William 1816 Anne Verulam Fernanagh
William 1796 Betty Mornington C51
William Eliza Amherst Is Manvers
William 1817 Eliza Hope
William 1803 1836 Elizabeth Mersea Armagh
William Elizabeth Sidney
William Elizabeth Brown
William 1820 Ellen Thurlow C51
William Jane Hastings
William 1836 1850 Jane James Weston Artemesia Sligo
William 1831 1840 Jane Richardson CavanMariposa Scugog Monaghan
William 1801 Margaret Amherst Is Manvers
William 1799 Margaret Fullerton C51
William 1801 1832 Margaret Manvers
William 1839 Margaret Patterson
William Martha Livingston Tor Angl
William 1815 Mary Thurlow C61
William Mary Ann Kingston Fernamagh
William 1813 Mary Ann 1824 Darlington Howick C51
William Mary Ann Fermanagh
William Mary McCormack Tor Angl
William 1770 1835 Mary Nelson 1835 Cavan Mariposa Cavan
William 1831 1832 Mary Terriff 1832 Cartwright Howick C42
William 1818 Sarah Purvis 1831 Cavan Mariposa Monaghan
William Fred 1890 1912 Manitoba Alberta L Cavan Ardmone
William J. Katherine Haurin Tyrone

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