Mariposa Township Pioneer Biographies

ADAM, R., farmer and Township Reeve. He owns 150 acres, worth $9000, and situated in Lot 4, Con.14. Has lived in the county since 1848. Born in Quebec, 1832. P.O. address, Woodville.

CAMPBELL, DONALD, farmer. Lives on Lot 7, Con.14, and owns 75 acres, worth $5,000. His father was one of the first settlers in the township. Mr. Campbell has lived here since birth, 1834. P.O. address, Woodville.

CURRIE, JOHN, farmer, on Lot 8, Con.14, worth $8,000. Owns 100 acres. Was born in Argyleshire, Scotland, in 1810. settled here in 1841. P.O. address, Woodville.

ACHESON, JOHN, blacksmith at Manilla. Has lived here since 1879. Born in Scotland, 1841.

CARMICHAEL, DUNCAN, farmer on Lot 8, Con.15. He owns 97 acres, worth $8,000. Was born in the Township, 1833. His father settled here in 1831. P.O. address, Woodville.

CAMPBELL, JOHN, JR., farmer and stock-breeder. Leicaster sheep a specialty. Is owner of north 1/2 Lot 10, Con.14, and S.E. 1/4 Lot 10, Con.15 - 150 acres valued at $10,000. Born in Victoria county in 1849. P.O. address, Woodville.

BROAD, THOMAS, farmer and Deputy-Reeve. Is owner of 150 acres, situated in Lots 10 and 11, Con.2, worth $8000. Born in England, 1823. Settled in county in 1860. P.O. address, Port Hoover.

CODY, STEPHEN, farmer on Lot 10, Con.11. He owns 100 acres valued at $6,000. Has lived in County since birth (1845). P.O. address, Oakwood.

CODY, JOSEPH, farmer. Is owner of 116 acres, in Lots 23 and 24, Con.12, worth $10,000. Born in York County, 1821. Came to Victoria County in 1823. P.O. address, Linden Valley.

CHIPPINDLE, THOMAS, farmer, on Lot 20, Con.15. Is owner of 140 acres. Born in Lancashire, England, 1821. Is one of the oldest settlers in the County. P.O. address, Cambray.

BAGSHAW, ABRAHAM, farmer. Owner of west half lot 4, Con.12, and NE 1/4 Lot 3, Con.12, - 150 acres. Born in Canada, 1844. Settled in County, 1872. P.O. address, Cannington.

CAMPBELL, PETER, farmer and carpenter. He owns 50 acres on Lot 6, Con.14. Born in Canada in 1836. Came here in 1869. P.O. address, Woodville.

COAD, JAMES, farmer. Lives on Lot 17, Con.9. Owns 70 acres. Settled in the County in 1855. Born in England in 1815. P.O. address, Woodville.

DUNDAS, STEPHEN, farmer, on east 1/2 Lot 22, Con.8, 100 acres. Born in Ireland in 1823. Came here in 1843. P.O. address, Oakwood.

EVANS, EDWARD, blacksmith and farmer. He lives on Lot 3, Con.7, and owns 50 acres. Has 100 acres in Somerville Township. Born in England, 1852. Came to the County, 1862. P.O. address, Oakwood.

EMERSON, JAMES, farmer, on north part Lot 17, Con.C. Has 120 acres of land. Born in Canada in 1818. Came here in 1848. P.O. address, Valentia.

BRUCE, JOHN, farmer. He owns 195 acres, situated in lot 21, Con.B, and Lots 21 and 22, Con.3. Was born in Ireland in 1830, and came to the County in 1860. P.O. address, Valentia.

FEE, J.J. farmer. He owns 150 acres situated in Lot 7, Con.13, and Lot 6, Con.14. Has lived in the township since birth (1836). P.O. address, Woodville.

FOWLER, SAMUEL, farmer, on North 1/2 Lot 21, Con.13, 100 acres and owns 200 acres in Grey County. Came to Victoria County in 1839. Was born in Devonshire, England, 1815. P.O. address, Cambray.

FERGUSON, DUNCAN, farmer, on Lot 2, Con.5, and owns 100 acres. Was born in the County, 1841. P.O. address, Sonya.

FOWLER, JOHN, carpenter at Little Britain. Born in Canada, 1852, settled here in 1879.

FOSTER, THOMAS, farmer on west 1/2 Lot 17, Con.7, and owns 98 1/2 acres. Born at Port Hope, 1841. Came to the County in 1865. P.O. address, Oakwood.

CLARK, J.F., farmer and J.P. Is owner of 200 acres, in lots 2 and 3, Con.15, worth $12000. Born in Northumberland County, 1832, and came to Victoria in 1837. P.O. address, Woodville.

GRANT, DONALD, farmer, grain dealer, and stock-breeder. He owns Lot 11, Con.14, and Lot 11, Con.15 - 400 acres. Has lived in the County since 1831. Born in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, 1827. P.O. address, Woodville.

GILSON, GEORGE, farmer. Lives on Lot 4, Con.10, and owns 100 acres. Settled here in 1853. Born in England in 1827. P.O. address, Manilla.

GRAY, JOHN, farmer. Lives on Lot 18, Con.10, and rents 100 acres. Settled here in 1864. Born in Scotland in 1847. P.O. address, Oakwood.

GRIMSTON, THOMAS, farmer on Lot 23, Con.9. Owns 233 acres. Was born in Ontario, and has lived in this County since 1838. P.O. address, Oakwood.

HOWKINS, AMOS, farmer. Lives on Lot 9, Con.15, which he rents. Is Vice-President of Agricultural Society, and Secretary of Grange Lodge No. 483. Born in England, 1852. Came to Victoria County in 1856. P.O. address, Woodville

Cunnings, J.F., Township and Division Court Clerk, Oakwood. Born in England, 1826. Has lived in the County since 1858.

HALLIDAY, JOHN, farmer on south 1/2 Lot 17, Con.10, which he owns, along with part of Lot 18, on the same Con. - together 101 1/4. Was born in Scotland in 1839. Settled in County, 1871. P.O. address, Oakwood.

HICKINGBOTTOM, J.T., farmer. Lives on Lot 2, Con.10. Has 100 acres. Came to Victoria County in 1872. Is a Canadian. Was born in 1847. P.O. address, Manilla.

HASKILL, C.L., farmer, on Lot 8, Con.4. Owner of 100 acres. Born in Canada in 1827. Settled in County in 1852. P.O. address, Little Britain.

HOOPER, GEORGE, farmer. Lives on N.E. 1/2 Lot 3, Con.3, and rents 100 acres. Came to the County in 1868 from England. Was born in 1843. P.O. address, Sonya.

JOHNSON, GEORGE, farmer and stock-breeder. Lives on north half Lot 2, Con.13, and owns 100 acres. Has lived in the County since birth(1844).His father settled in the township in 1838. P.O. address, Cannington.

JOHNSON, JOHN, farmer on Lot 4, Con.13. Owns 100 acres. Was born in the County in 1851. P.O. address, Cannington.

JAMES, WILLIAM, farmer. He owns 200 acres, being south half Lots 12 and 13, Con.10. Born in Cornwall, England, in 1838. P.O. address, Oakwood.

JOHNSON, C.D., farmer on south 1/4 Lot 6, Con.5, and owns 50 acres. He settled in the County in 1839. Born in Nova Scotia in 1828. P.O. address, Little Britain.

KINNEE, RICHARD, farmer. He owns 100 acres, in Lots 7 and 8, Con.12, and has lived in the County since birth(1846). P.O. address, Cannington.

KIRKLAND, DUNCAN, farmer. He has 50 acres, situated in Lot 10, Con.10. Was born on island of Islay, Scotland, in 1832. Came to Victoria County, 1845. P.O. address, Oakwood.

LATTIMER, W.S., hotel-keeper at Manilla Station. Came here 1880. Born in Canada, 1854.

LOWNSBROUGH, W., farmer and Councillor. He owns 140 acres, situated in Lots 14 and 15, Con.9, and valued at $9,000. Settled here in 1859. Born in York County, Ontario, in 1838. P.O. address, Oakwood.

McCRIMMON, WILLIAM, farmer on Lot 14, Con.14, and owns 125 acres. He was born in the township in 1847. P.O. address, Woodville.

McINDOO, MOSES, farmer. He owns Lot 2, Con.14, and part of Lot 1, Con.15 - together 245 acres, worth $15,000. Born in the County, 1845. His father was one of the first settlers here. P.O. address, Cannington.

McINNIS, A.H., farmer, owner of 100 acres, in Lot 2, Cons.10 and 11. Came here in 1848. Born in Scotland, 1843. P.O. address, Manilla.

McCORVIE, PETER, farmer. Lives on Lot 15, Con.12, of which he owns 100 acres. Has also 50 acres in Lot 16, Con.13. Came to Victoria County, 1843. Is a Canadian. Was born, 1841. P.O. address, Oakwood.

McDONALD, DONALD, farmer. Owns 230 acres in Lots 1,2, and 3, Con.4. He was born on the Isle of Mull, Scotland, in 1800, and has lived here since 1848. P.O. address, Sonya

McKINNON, DONALD, farmer on north half Lot 3, Con.2. He has 100 acres. Was born in the County, 1840. P.O. address, Sonya.

McDOUGALL, A., farmer and hop grower. Owns 100 acres of Lot 2, Con.2. Came to Victoria County in 1845 from Island of Mull, Scotland. Born, 1820. P.O. address, Sonya.

MORISON, MRS. J., wife of the late John Morison, M.P. Resides on Lot 15, Con.15, and owns 250 acres, worth $20,000. She came to the County in 1852 from Greenock, Scotland. P.O. address, Woodville.

MICHAEL, J.M., farmer and stock-breeder. He owns 150 acres, situated in Lot 3, Con.10, and has lived here since 1860. Born in Canada in 1835. P.O. address, Manilla.

MARK, R.D., farmer and thresher. Owns north 1/2 Lot 9, Con.1, and southeast 1/4 lot 8, Con.2 - 150 acres, Came to the County in 1837. Was born in England in 1827. P.O. address, Port Hoover.

OSBORNE, JOHN, farmer. He owns 50 acres of Lot 2, Con.12, and 24 of Lot 1, Con.11. Was born in Devonshire, England, in 1839. Settled here 1859. P.O. address, Cannington.

OLIVER, H.G., farmer. Lives on Lot 22, Con.5. Was born in England in 1846. Came here 1872. P.O. address, Little Britain.

PHILP, WILLIAM, farmer. He owns north 1/2 Lot 7, Con.9, and south 1/2 Lot 8, Con.10. - together 197 acres. Settled here, 1857. Born in Cornwall, England, 1830. P.O. address, manilla.

PERRIN, JOSEPH, retired farmer. Lives on south half Lot 18, Con.12, and owns 100 acres. Born in England, 1802. Has lived in Victoria County since 1831. P.O. address, Oakwood.

RAY, GEORGE, farmer. Lives on Lot 23, Con.5, and owns 100 acres; also 50, of Lot 20, Con.4. Came to the County in 1842. Was born in Peterboro County in 1827. P.O. address, Little Britain.

ROGERS, WILLIAM, farmer on Lot 21, Con.11. Owns 200 acres. He settled in the township in 1836. Was born in York county, Ontario, in 1815. P.O. address, Barclay.

RICH, WILLIAM, farmer. He rents 200 acres, situated in Lots 15 and 16, Con.12, and has lived in the County since 1857. Born in Devonshire, England, in 1826. P.O. address, Oakwood.

RAMSEY, WILLIAM, farmer, on Lot 5, Con.6, of which he owns 147 acres. Has been a magistrate 23 years, and was Reeve of the Township 3 years. Is a native of Yorkshire, England. P.O. address, Manilla Station.

RODMAN, GEORGE, farmer. Is owner of 150 acres, in Lots 11 and 12, Con.2. Was born in Wiltshire, England, in 1817. Settled here in 1840. P.O. address, Little Britain.

ROBINSON, ROBERT, farmer. Lives on north 1/2 Lot 8, Con.2, and owns 100 acres. Came to the County in 1842. Born in Yorkshire, England, 1814. P.O. address, Sonya.

SMALLWOOD, W.H., farmer. He rents the north half Lot 22, Con.11, 100 acres. Was born in Canada, 1856, and has lived in the County from that year. P.O. address, Oakwood.

SNELGROVE, JOHN, farmer. He owns 100 acres of Lot 11, Con.4, and came to the County in 1851. Was born in Wiltshire, England, 1826. P.O. address, Little Britain.

TREMEER, SAMUEL, farmer. He owns 350 acres, situated in Lots 3 and 5, Con.4, and Lots 3 and 4, Con.5. Settled in the County in 1864. Born in Devonshire, England, 1854. P.O. address, Little Britain.

THORBURN, ALEXANDER, farmer. Owner of 100 acres, in Lot 4, Con.6. Born in Argyleshire, Scotland, 1830. Came here in 1836. P.O. address, Manilla Station.

THOMPSON, WILLIAM, cheese-maker at Little Britain. Born in Canada, 1841. Settled here, 1880.

THORNDIKE, JAMES, gentleman. Residence and P.O. address, Oakwood. Owns 253 acres in the Township, and came here in 1839. Born in England in 1807.

WELDON, LEVI, farmer on Lot 14, Con.7, and owns 48 acres. Was born in Canada, 1806. Has lived in the County since 1832. P.O. address, Cambray.

WHITE, WILLIAM, farmer on south half Lot 21, Con.14. Owns 100 acres. Born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1831. Settled here in 1844. P.O. address, Cambray.

WALLIS, JOHN, farmer, Lot 12, Con.5, of which he has 100 acres. Born in Canada, 1840. His father is one of the oldest settlers in the township. P.O. address, Little Britain.

WEBSTER, ABRAHAM, farmer and stock-breeder. He owns 250 acres, and lives on Lot 22, Con.7. Born in Cavan Township, Ontario, in 1840. Has lived here since 1845. P.O. address, Oakwood.

YEREX, HENRY, farmer. Owns 200 acres, being south half Lots 12 and 19, Con. 2. Born in Canada, 1826. Came here in 1839. P.O. address, Port Hoover.

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