Opening of New Omemee Methodist Parsonage 1910

On Monday afternoon, October 31st, the formal opening and presentation of the new parsonage, by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eaton, to the trustees of the church, took place. There was a farewell tea at the old parsonage from four to six o'clock, at which people received a ticket, admitting them to the new parsonage, where they were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Eaton. Mrs. Eaton was gowned in grey net over flowered silk, en train, and looked very charming.

Mrs. MacPherson and Mrs. Earle poured tea at the old parsonage, and the Misses Parsons, Scott, Thompson, Courtney, Ivory and Wilson made excellent waitresses. The President of the Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Parsons, together with Mrs. Burns, welcomed the guests, while Mrs. Shields saw that each person received a ticket. The tea table look very nice with its large bouquets of beautiful mums. Dainty refreshments were served, over three hundred people taking advantage of the change of a "farewell" to the old parsonage.

In the new parsonage Reeve Mulligan was Master of Ceremonies, and announced each guest as they came in. After being conducted through the various rooms, ice cream and cake were served in the dining room. All the rooms were beautifully decorated with cut flowers.

At half past five the handing over of the deed and keys took place in the library in the presence of the trustees, pastor and family, Mrs. McCrea, Sr. and the President of the Ladies' Aid. In a few well-chosen words, after signing the deed, Mrs. Eaton handed the document and the keys to the pastor, Rev. R. Burns, who thanked the donor for her munificent gift. Then Mrs. Eaton called for the President of the Ladies' Aid and gave her a book containing an inventory of the articles in the new parsonage. Then Rev. R. McCullogh, acting in the capacity of chairman, gave a short speech, and then called on Mr. Geo. Balfour, who read a beautifully illuminated address as follows:

To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eaton:

Dear Friends: The event of to-day awakens in our memory the recollection that a few years ago, you very kindly commemorated the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. John McCrea by installing in our church a magnificent pipe organ; and now you continue your benefactions by providing the church with a modern and comfortable home for the pastor and his successors.

It is with mingled feelings of thankfulness and sorrow that we meet on the occasion of the presentation by you of this handsome parsonage with its elegant furnishings and beautiful grounds. Thankfulness, in the acceptance of the gift; sorrow that he to whose memory it is erected is no longer in our midst.

You have taken such a deep interest in your home church in so many ways, that words cannot express our high appreciation and gratitude.

This magnificent present is not only a valuable asset to the Church property, but also to the village, and the citizens mazy justly feel proud of the same.

We hope and pray that the blessings of our Heavenly Father may rest on all your efforts, and that long life and spiritual prosperity may be granted to you and your family.

May grace, mercy and peace abide within this house.





Chairman Secretary

Omemee, October 31st, 1910

Mr. Mulligan presented the case containing the address to Mr. Eaton, who said that, on behalf of Mrs. Eaton, he thanked the trustees for the address and he hoped that the pastor and his successors would enjoy the new house, and that they would receive a hearty welcome. Then Mr. McCullough offered up a simple, heartfelt prayer, closing with the benediction.

During the afternoon Mrs. Walker, of Toronto, who so ably assisted the choir on Sunday, sang very sweetly Miss Annie Ivory accompanied the soloist in her usual capable manner.


The new parsonage, which is a very imposing structure, is built of buff collared brick, the woodwork on the exterior being painted a light buff, with trimmings of drab. The roof is covered with slate, and the three gables are done in stucco to meet the outline of the edge of the roof.

Broad stone steps lead to a sun porch, whose roof is fashioned after that of a bungalow. The house is entered from this porch through a massive oak door, inset with leaded glass panes. Upon entering one finds themselves in the reception hall. The walls are panelled half way up in dark oak, the heavy doors leading to the various rooms being correspondingly designed. An unusual feature of the pan is the arrangement of the staircase, which leads from the end of the reception hall to a wide landing, and from there, on either side, narrow steps lead to the second floor.

On the left of the hall is a large airy living room, through which the dining room is entered, the two rooms being connected by sliding doors. The fire place mantel in the living room is of oak, to correspond with the rest of woodwork, with the exception of the kitchen, on the first floor.

An especial feature of the dining room, are the casement windows of leaded glass, below which is the memorial table bearing the inscription:



Omemee, Ontario, 1910

A long door leads from the dining room on to a verandah. Between the dining room and kitchen is the pantry, lined on both sides with convenient shelves and cupboards. Between the kitchen and the hall is a clothes closet. To the right of the reception hall is the library, one of the brightest rooms in the house.

All the ceilings are tinted a clear ivory, while the walls down stairs, are light and deep buff in colour. The ceiling in the reception hall is beamed to match the panelling and staircase.

The second story contains four bedrooms, with ample closet room, a bathroom and a linen closet. The upper hall is arched and tinted a rich buff, the woodwork being the same colour as the staircase. The large beaded glass windows above the landing give an artistic touch to the interior. The four bedrooms are tinted a rich cream, the woodwork being painted white. The wainscoting in the bathroom is stained a dark brown; above which the wall is tinted a lighter shade.

From the kitchen a rear staircase leads to the second floor and continues on up to the attic, which is finished off in keeping with the rest.

Entrance to the laundry and furnace room is made from beneath the tower, thus making it unnecessary to go through the kitchen unless desired. The basement is divided into three rooms, laundry, food-room, and furnace-room. The first is equipped with stationary wash tubs and force pump. in the food room are cupboards and vegetable bins as well as a deep closet under the staircase. The furnace room contains the furnace and the coal bins.

The entire house is furnished with hardwood floors and both electric and acetylene lights have been installed.

The whole house is completely furnished, the style being generally mission in character. In the reception hall is a dark rug which blends with the woodwork, a massive grandfather's clock, a small table and a couple of chairs. The library has splendid sectional bookcases and leather couch, two leather easy chairs, a mission style desk, a revolving leather desk chair and a rich collared rug.

In the living room is a small escritoire, two easy chairs, a davenport and several straight chairs.' The dining room furniture is entirely mission in style and consists of a buffet, a dinner wagon, dining table, and leather seated chairs. Both the living room and dining room rugs are oriental in pattern.

One bedroom suite which consists of dresser, chiffonier, table and chairs is of solid oak. Another dresser, table and chairs are white enamelled in white.

The two guestrooms are done in green and mahogany. In each room the colour scheme is carried out in detail, the rugs and curtains harmonizing exquisitely with the furniture. The curtains and draperies are dainty and fresh looking and add a home like touch to the interior.

The house fronts on a beautiful terraced lawn which adjoins that of the church. At the side of the house is a high water tower connected by pipes to the river and run by a gasoline engine. This supplies water for gardening purposes on two properties in the village.

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