Attractive New Plot Laid Out on the Lake Shore by Henry Thurston

Occasion of Birthday Party.


On Thursday last there occurred in the vicinity of Dunsford an event, which is deserving of more than passing notice, inasmuch as it touches an important public interest.

Mr. Henry Thurston is the owner of an unusually attractive piece of property on the south shore of Sturgeon Lake, quite adjacent to Dunsford. Both nature and tradition have conspired to make the place of interest, While Mr. Thurston has been industriously fitting up the grounds by making avenues, trimming the trees and arranging the grounds for a year or more.

The property extends well out into the lake, has no stagnant water anywhere near it, which facts not only vouch for healthfulness, but ensure freedom from the attack of that teasing pest known as the mosquito.

There is a huge boulder of Crystalline rock, which is glacial period left stranded on the shore line, locally known as Ranger Rock, which is identified with a tradition recalling the scene of a parley which took place upon it, between Champlain when he passed through these waters many years ago on his mission to the Huron tribe to the north, and the Indians in the vicinity. Besides the shady groves of oak, birch etc, with a beautiful landscape and picturesque shoreline opposite and unusually good fishing ground adjacent, all contribute to the interest of the place.

Thursday last was the anniversary of the owner's birthday, and his friends considered it a suitable opportunity to visit the spot which in all probability will be visited in the future by hundreds seeking the rest and quiet which benign nature only can give.

About thirty guests met at Ranger Rock, whereupon Rev. Mr. Wilson, who was present, took his stand and addressed the company. Mr. Thurston was congratulated on the return of another birthday, his enterprise and success in making the place so attractive, and upon his good fortune possessing a property so admirably situated on the Kawartha chain of waters.

Mr. Wilson then proceeded to unwind from the folds of a large Union Jack, which lay before him, what seemed to be an innocent enough looking piece of board, and to say, that the honour of choosing a name for the grounds had fallen upon him, which he considered a great honour indeed, and the name which he considered appropriate was that pencilled on the signboard in his possession. It was a name he thought in every way appropriate for a beautiful park, it was musical in rhythm, and suggestive of the proprietor's name, and of a very large circle of worthy citizens living in the vicinity. Holding forth the signboard it was seen that the name that Mr. Wilson had chosen was "Thurstonia."

Mr. Thurston then unfurled the Union Jack on Ranger Rock. The sign was transfixed to a sturdy oak near by and the men of the company immediately proceeded to assist in staking out cottage lots, which the owner intends to dispose of, while the women of the party proceeded to prepare refreshments, which really amounted to sumptuous tables prepared in true picnic style. The table being disposed of, and the sun dipping the west, the company dispersed to their homes, feeling that another step had been taken which would not only be of importance to Dunsford and vicinity, but to a large number of those who look for the rest and recuperation of the summer cottages near the attractive waters of the Kawartha lakes.

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