Below is a list of census and assessment records which I have indexed.
Early assessment and census records for the most part only name the head of the family. There are exceptions, such as the 1839 Otonabee Twp. assessment, which lists names of all household members. Most early census and assessment records grouped and identified family members by sex and age. Most commonly the family was recorded as male or female, and above or below 16 years of age. Perhaps the most important variable recorded in many early assessments was the location of the family property per concession and lot. A valuable tool for family research are the land registry records, which may be searched when one knows the concession and lot of a property owner. Other details in early census and assessment records included family religion, as well as livestock records. The 1848 census/assessment records were somewhat more detailed, with several more age groupings of family members, as well as many more details on the family, and their assets. Post 1850 Collector's Rolls also only identify the head of the family, but do provide a lot of interesting details on family assets.
Canada Census records for 1851 through 1901 do name all family members for the most part. The diligence of old-time enumerators varied widely, from the 1851 Manvers Census in which many actual birth dates were recorded for individual family members, to the 1851 Emily Census, with very poor handwrighting and many family members identified by initials only.
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COPYRIGHT (c) Michael Stephenson 2019
Victoria County Census and Assessment Records
1. Bexley Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
2. Eldon Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
3. Emily Township
Census and Assessment 1820 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901
4. Fenelon Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
6. Mariposa Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1841
Canada Census 1861
7. Ops Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1841
Canada Census 1861
8. Somerville Township
Census 1839
Canada Census 1861
9. Verulam Township
Census and Assessment 1838 (with Harvey Twp.) 1839 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
10. Lindsay Town
Canada Census 1861
11. Omemee Village
Canada Census 1881, 1891, 1901
Durham County Census and Assessments
1. Cartwright Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1841, 1848, 1850
Canada Census 1851, 1861
Collector's Rolls, Census and Assessment 1854 - 1868
2. Cavan Township
Census and Assessment 1819 - 1850
Canada Census 1861
Collectors Rolls Assessment 1855 - 1869
3. Clarke Township
Census and Assessment 1803 - 1848
Canada Census 1851, 1861
Collectors Rolls Census and Assessment 1854 - 1869
4. Darlington Township
Census and Assessment 1803 - 1850
Canada Census 1851 (Part 4 and 5), 1861
Collectors Rolls Assessment 1849 - 1869
5. Hope Township
Census and Assessment 1803 - 1847
Canada Census 1851 (Part 4 missing), 1861
Collectors Rolls Assessment 1854 - 1869
6. Bowmanville Town
Canada Census 1861
Collector's Rolls Assessments 1857 - 1869
5. Manvers Township
Census and Assessment 1835 - 1836, 1837, 1838 -1843, 1840 - 41, 1845-1847, 1848, 1850
Canada Census 1851, 1861
Collector's Rolls Assessment 1858 - 1869
7. Newcastle Village
Canada Census 1861
Collector's Rolls 1858 - 1870
8. Port Hope Town
Canada Census 1861
Collector's Rolls Assessments 1857 - 1868
Northumberland County Census and Assessments
1. Alnwick Township
Census and Assessment 1840 - 1850
Canada Census 1861
Collectors Rolls Census and Assessment 1854 - 1869
2. Brighton Township
Canada Census 1851 (Part 1 and 2), 1861
Collector's Rolls Census and Assessment 1854 - 1868
3. Cramahe Township
Census and Assessment 1803 - 1850
Canada Census 1851, 1861
Collector's Rolls Census and Assessment 1852 - 1869
4. Haldimand Township
Census andd Assessment
Canada Census 1851 (part 1 partial, Part 2, 3), 1861
Collectors Rolls Census and Assessment 1854 - 1869
5. Hamilton Township
Census and Assessment
Canada Census 1851 (Part 1,2, Part 3 missing), 1861
Collectors Rolls Assessments 1856 - 1869
6. Murray Township
Census and Assessment 1803 - 1850
Canada Census 1851 (Part 1 and 2), 1861
Collector's Rolls Census and Assessment 1855 - 1869
7. Percy Township
Census and Assessment 1803 - 1850
Canada Census 1851 (Part 1 and 2), 1861
Collectors Rolls Assessment 1855 - 1868
8. Seymour Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1850
Canada Census 1851 (Part 1 and 2), 1861
Collectors Rolls Census and Assessment 1856 - 1869
9. South Monaghan Township
Census and Assessment 1831 (partial), 1842 - 1847, 1848, 1850
Canada Census 1851, 1861
Collectors Rolls Census and Assessment 1854 - 1868
10. Brighton Village
Canada Census 1861
Collectors Rolls Census and Assessment 1854 - 1868
11. Cobourg Town
Canada Census 1861
Collectors Rolls Assessment 1856, 1859
12. Colborne Village
Canada Census 1861
Collectors Rolls Assessment 1860 - 1869
Peterborough County Census and Assessments
1. Asphodel Township
Census and Assessment 1821 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
2. Belmont Township
Canada Census 1851, 1861
3. Burleigh Township
Canada Census
4. Chandos Township
Canada Census
5. Douro Township
Census and Assessment 1826 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
6. Dummer Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
7. Ennismore Township
Census and Assessment 1827 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
8. Galway Township
Canada Census
9. Harvey Township
Census and Assessment 1839 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
10. Methuen Township
Canada census 1851, 1861
11. North Monaghan Township
Census and Assessment 1819 - 1840
Canada Census 1851, 1861
12. Otonabee Township
Census and Assessment 1821 - 1841 (1839 census names all family members)
Canada census 1851, 1861
13. Smith Township
Census and Assessment 1819 - 1841
Canada Census 1851, 1861
14. Ashburnham Village
Canada Census 1861
15. Peterborough Town
Census and assessments records pre 1851 in North Monaghan township
Canada Census 1851, 1861
In addition to the above census and assessment records, I can do prompt searches of all census records for HASTINGS County 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, and 1901; PETERBOROUGH County 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901; VICTORIA County 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901; NORTHUMBERLAND County 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901; HALIBURTON COUNTY 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901; ONTARIO County 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901; MUSKOKA 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901.
In many cases your ancestors may have left Upper Canada before 1851. You may also order census and assessment records research prior to the 1851-52 Canada census. I will research all available census and assessment records in Gore District, Newcastle District, Western District, Niagara District, Johnstown District, Colborne District, Eastern District, London District.
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