Bruce County Pioneer Ancestor Place Locator

The following villages and towns were all located in Bruce County, Ontario in the nineteenth century. All towns and villages may be seen on the above 1878 era map. Many of these smaller crossroads settlements have been swallowed up by larger towns; many of the railway villages are now ghost towns. The links below give descriptions of these hamlets, villages and towns, as well as some of the inhabitants, usually persons with a business or trade of some sort.

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Aberdour Village, Saugeen Township 1889

Allenford Village, Amabel Township 1889

Ambleside Village, Carrick Township 1896

Arkwright Village, Arran Township 1867

Arkwright Village, Arran Township 1889

Armow Village, Kincardine Township 1889

Arran Vale Mills Village, Arran Township 1867

Badenoch Village, Carrick Township 1896

Barrow Bay Village, Eastnor Township 1896

Belmore Village, Culross Township 1867

Bervie Village, Kincardine Township 1867

Bervie Village, Kincardine Township 1889

Burgoyne Village, Saugeen Township 1889

Cape Chin Village, Lindsay Township 1889

Cargill Village, Greenock Township 1889

Carlsruhe Village, Carrick Township 1889

Chepstow Village, Greenock Township 1889

Chesley Village, Elderslie Township 1889

Cheviot Village, Culross Township 1889

Chippawa Hill Village, Amabel Township 1889

Colpoy's Bay Village, Albermarle Township 1889

Deemerton Village, Carrick Township 1889

Dobbinton Village, Elderslie Township 1889

Dumblane Village, Arran Township 1889

Dunkeld Village, Brant Township 1889

Dyer Bay Village, Lindsay Township 1889

Eden Grove Village, Brant Township 1889

Ellengowan Village, Brant Township 1889

Elmwood Village, Brant Township 1889

Elsinore Village, Arran Township 1889

Enniskillen Village, Greenock Township 1867

Eskdale Village, Kincardine Township 1889

Formosa Village, Culross Township 1867

French Bay, Amabel Township 1889

Fyfield Village, Culross Township 1889

Gillies Hill Village, Elderslie Township 1889

Glammis Village, Kincardine Township 1889

Gresham Village, Bruce Township 1889

Hanover Village, Brant Township 1867

Hepworth Village, Amabel Township 1889

Holyrood Village, Kinloss Township 1889

Hope Bay Village, Eastnor Township 1889

Inverhuron Village, Bruce Township 1867

Invermay Village, Arran Township 1867

Kincardine, Kincardine Township 1867

Kingarf Village, Kincardine Township 1889

Kinlough Village, Kinloss Township 1889

Langside Village, Kinloss Township 1889

Lion's head Village, Eastnor Township 1889

Lisburn Village, Huron Township 1889

Lorne Village, Kincardine Township 1896

Lovat Village, Greenock Township 1889

Lucknow Village, Kinloss Township 1867

Lurgan Village, Huron Township 1889

Malcolm Village, Brant Township 1889

Maple Hill Village, Brant Township 1889

Mar Village, Albermarle Township 1889

McIver Village, Albermarle Township 1889

McVicar Village, St.Edmunds Township 1896

Mildmay Village, Carrick Township 1867

Millarton Village, Kincardine Township 1889

Miller Lake Village, Lindsay Township 1896

Moltke Village, Carrick Township 1889

Moscow Village, Culross Township 1867

Narva Village, Greenock Township 1896

North Bruce Village, Saugeen Township 1889

Oliphant Village, Saugeen Township 1889

Paisley Village, Elderslie Township 1867

Parkhead Village, Saugeen Township 1889

Pike Bay Village, Eastnor Township 1889

Pine River Village, Huron Township 1889

Pinkerton Village, Greenock Township 1867

Portal Village, Greenock Township 1896

Port Elgin Village, Saugeen Township 1867

Purple Grove Village, Huron Township 1889

Purple Valley Village, Albermarle Township 1889

Queen Hill Village, Saugeen Township 1889

Red Bay Village, Albermarle Township 1889

Ripley Village, Huron Township 1889

Riversdale Village, Greenock Township 1867

Royal Oak Village, Huron Township 1896

Salisbury Village, Elderslie Township 1896

Sauble Falls Village, Amabel Township 1889

Scone Village, Elderslie Township 1889

Solway Village, Kincardine Township 1889

Southampton Village, Saugeen Township 1867

Spry Village, Eastnor Township 1889

Stoke's Bay Village, Eastnor Township 1896

Tara Village, Arran Township 1867

Teeswater Village, Culross Township 1867

Tiverton Village, Kincardine Township 1867

Tobermory Village, St.Edmunds Township 1896

Underwood Village, Bruce Township 1889

Verdun Village, Huron Township 1889

Vesta Village, Brant Township 1889

Walkerton, Brant Township 1867

Westford Village, Culross Township 1889

Whitechurch Village, Kinloss Township 1889

Wiarton Village, Saugeen Township 1889

Williscroft Village, Elderslie Township 1889

Willow Creek Village, Bruce Township 1889

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