An Ideal Resort, That has Many Visitors This Summer.
The Havelock Standard contains the following “write-up” of Koshabogamog Lake, one of the pretty resorts of Koshabogamog Lake, the Indian name for Lake-of-many-bays is situated about 4 miles north-east of Stony Lake. It would be no easy matter to find a more beautiful spot for camping or a resort with such natural advantages where better sport with the rod or gun can be enjoyed. For picturesque scenery and game watcher this lake will stand comparison with any in Canada, and either upon, its shores or the many islands which dot its surface, are beautiful camp sites for all comers. An ideal place to sever one’s self from dull care and business worry and afford days of delightful pleasure and seclusion recuperating the fagged energies and enthusing one with renewed life and vigour, clearing and cobwebs from the brain and sharpening one’s capabilities wits, and faculties.
Regarding the angling, we can personally assure those who wet a line in Kosh, that heavy strings are to be relied upon. In fact, we are prepared to defend the assertion that the bass fishing in the lake can not be excelled in Canada today. To give our readers an instance of the wonderful luck to be had there we might mention that the total catch of Messrs. E.R. Smith, J. Koons and W. Zeller, of Buffalo, during a week’s visit at Oak Island was 1,069. Of this number they caught 249 during their first day’s outing. Of course these gentlemen only retained their lawful allowance every day, returning all others to the waters uninjured. The above gentlemen, by the way, were the jolliest party of Americans whom it has been our good fortune to meet, and they and kindred spirits will always receive a warm welcome at Kosh.
Oak Island the ______________ hundreds of American sportsmen is covered with large oaks is well cleared and possesses a lovely sand, beach, protected by a long natural breakwater. Mr. Jas Campbell, of town is the proprietor, and his guests speak very highly of his abilities as a manager, and of the unsurpassed menu which his estimable wife sets before them. The buildings on the island comprise a large frame dining room and kitchen, two large sleeping apartments capable of accommodating about thirty people, and an icehouse. The guides, Messrs. John Drain and Alex Sharpe, are both noted hunters and anglers, who know every nook and feeding place of the finny tribe. All guests at this resort are furnished with the services of these guides, good boats, bait, etc.
Green Island, another handsome spot, is the property of Mr. W.J. Kitchener, of New York, a cousin of Lord Kitchener, who, with his charming wife and little son, make this their summer residence. Their cottage, “Alegretto Lodge”, nestled among the giant pine trees with which the island is covered, and the numerous rookeries, covered with flowers and creepers of all kinds, makes a picture that charms the artistic eye. Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener follow the musical profession and the melodious strains of the guitar and mandolin, together with the more inspiriting tone of the banjo, and furnished many a happy evenings’ entertainment. The guests at “Alegretto Lodge” this year, are Messrs W. Prieumede and P. Gillem, of New York, F. Tiltson, B. Chambers, Wm. Tilison, F. Kitchener and Miss Kitchener, of Toronto.
A few rods; further on we come to Poplar Island, of which Dr. Holcroft, of town, is the proprietor. This, too, is a charming spot, covered with tall slender poplars, which in a few years will be unsurpassed for beauty. His cottage “Onglara” is perhaps the most commodious and well built on the lake. Mrs. Holcroft and family reside at the cottage during the summer, the doctor only making an occasional visit back. J. Walter McRaye, of Brockville, elocutionist and dramatic reader, is staying at the island this summer and his large and varied repertoire is taxed to its utmost for the entertainment of the cottagers.
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