Ontario (Upper Canada) Genealogy Historical Map Site Registration

To apply for your free username and password for the Ontario and Upper Canada historical map site (this will also give you access to the Upper Canada Pioneer History sites and Ontario locator sites I maintain) please provide the following  information:

*IMPORTANT* Please doublecheck to make sure your email address is correct, and if you have spam-control set up, make sure that my email reply to you will be allowed!! Please be patient waiting for my reply, I will respond as soon as possible.

Contact Ontario Genealogy  

Your full name:

Your location (city/town and province/state):

Your email address:

Your URL (if you have a web-site):

How long have you been researching your family?

Just beginning
Less than 1 year
1 to 5 years
More than 5 years

How long have you been using internet resources for your research?

Just beginning
Less than 1 year
1 to 5 years
More than 5 years

When did your ancestors first arrive in Ontario

Before 1825
1826 to 1850
1851 to 1901
After 1901
Don't know

How long did your ancestors remain in Ontario

Gone before 1851
Gone 1851 to 1881
Gone 1881 to 1901
Gone after 1901
Descendents in Ontario
Descendents on original property

Please enter your your family research interests including NAMES and LOCATIONS and RELATIONSHIP to you in the boxes below.

Your ancestors name(s) and relationship to you?

Your ancestors location in Ontario?