This convenient and ingeniously constructed boat will be commanded for the season by Captain Barber, an experienced and skilful mariner. She had commenced her regular trips from Prescott to the head of the Long Sault, and is found to exceed the most sanguine expectations of her enterprising proprietors. She sterns the rapids with the greatest ease. Her cabins are elegantly and amply furnished with every necessary convenience her engine, machinery, and apparatus, are differently constructed and arranged to any we have hitherto seen-her wheel propellers are placed in the stern, and seem to answer the navigation of the rapids much better than was expected. On account of her extraordinary and daring route, against the most powerful rapids in North America, as well as on account of her safe conveyance, convenient and pleasant apartments, we must pronounce this effort of her proprietors to accommodate the public, one of the most useful and ingenious enterprises ever attempted in North America.
To those whom business or variety may induce a travel on the American side; the line of stages from this city to Ogdensburg offers every facility as to comfort and convenience. By the advertisement in our columns, it will be noticed, that these stages leave Montreal every day, at half-past ten, A.M., (passing through Lachine, Cascades, Coteau Du Lac, Hogansburgh, Massena, and Waddington, and arriving at Ogdensburgh at six the next evening.) and leave Ogdensburgh at six every morning. The distance travelled by the American line, and by the Upper Canada line, is exactly the same; but in the former, the land traveling much exceeds that of the latter, being in the one case seventy-seven miles, and in the other only thirty-seven.
Another line of stages for Ogdensburgh leaves every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from the General Brock tavern, in this city. The difference between it and the other line is, that this passes through the village of Chateauguay and the flourishing settlements on the river of that name, and stops the first evening at Fort Covington, where the passengers sleep, arriving at Ogdensburgh on the second day after leaving Montreal. A coach also leaves from the same place every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at ten A.M. for Lachine and Chateauguay, returning the same afternoon at five.
On their arrival at Prescott and Ogdensburgh, passengers can proceed up the Lake by the British steamers Great Britain, William 1V, United Kingdom and Queenston, from the former port and by the American steamer United States from the latter. They can also proceed to the Bay of Quinte by the Sir James Kempt, Britannia and Perseverance, and on the American Side, as far as French Creek, by the Caroline. Of the accommodations of these boats, as well as their arrangements for the season as far as we have become acquainted with them, it is now our intention to speak.
The Great Britain and United States stand confessedly at the head of the numerous lists of steamers which ply upon our island Lakes, and do honour to the great and powerful nations whose names they respectively bear. The accommodations for passengers which both boats possess are most ample, and the comfort of their staterooms is unequalled. The Great Britain is propelled by two engines of ninety hose power each, made by Bennett & Henderson of this city: the United States’ power is of one hundred and twenty horse. Capt. Whitney, one of the most experienced and popular master on the Lake, continues to command the Great Britain, while the United States has been entrusted to the able management of Capt., R. J. Van Dewater, who last year commanded a boat on the Hudson River. The arrangements of the Great Britain will be found in our advertising columns, but it will render our paragraph more complete to repeat them here. She leaves Prescott every Wednesday morning for Niagara, calling at Brockville, Kingston, Cobourg, Port Hope and York. Leaves Niagara every Saturday afternoon for Prescott, calling at Oswego, (States of New York.) Kingston and Brockville. Passengers from Montreal desirous of taking this conveyance will have to leave by Monday’s stage. The United States leaves Ogdensburgh for Lewiston every Monday at 5 A. M. touching at Morristown, Brockville, Alexandria Bay, French Creek, Kingston, Sacket’s Harbour, Oswego, Rochester, York and Youngstown; and Lewiston on her way down every Thursday, touching at Youngstown, Rochester, Oswego, Sacket’s Harbour, Kingston, French Creek, Alexandria Bay, Brockville and Morristown, and arrives at Ogdensburgh on Saturday.
The William 1V, is a remarkable fine boat, launched at Gananoque in the fall of 1831, and exceeds in her last season’s business the expectations of her proprietors. Her engine, which is of a hundred-horse power, made by Ward & Co. of this city, enables her to surpass any of the Lake boats except the two last mentioned. Her accommodations for passengers are ample and excellent; and her commander this year is Capt. Paynter, well known here last season as master of the Hercules steamer, in which station he secured the esteem of all who knew him. The William 1V has given publicity to the following arrangements. Leaves Prescott for Niagara, every Friday at eight o’clock, A.M. and arrives at Niagara on Sunday at five o’clock, P.M. touching as usual at Brockville, Gananoque, Kingston, Bath, Cobourg. Port Hope, York and Burlington Bay, or Hamilton. Will leave Niagara for Prescott every Monday, touching, as usual, at York, Port Hope, Cobourg, Kingston, Gananoque and Brockville.
The United Kingdom, belonging to Robert Hamilton, Esq., has again commenced running this season, since she underwent her late improvements, This fine vessel is, we believe, the next in size to the Great Britain, and of 120 horse power high pressure. The arrangements and conveniences of this steamer reflect much credit on its enterprising owner. She has sixteen staterooms in the gentlemen’s cabin, besides a large and convenient ladies cabin. The United Kingdom is commanded by Capt., W. L. Harrington, from Lake Champlain, assisted by Capt. Sinclair, an experienced navigator on Lake Ontario. Her arrangements have been announced in the Upper Canada papers as follows: - Leaves Prescott for Queenston, every Tuesday afternoon, touching at Brockville, Kingston, Cobourg, Port Hope, York and Niagara, and on her return leaves Queenston for Prescott every Friday, touching at Niagara, York, Kingston and Brockville.
The Queenston, which, as well as the Great Britain, is the property of the Hon. John Hamilton, performs her trips this season with the punctuality for which she had ever been distinguished. She has for her commander Capt. Corning, whose attention to passengers and skilfulness as a navigator are undoubted. The Queenston leaves Prescott every Sunday, touching at the same ports with the Great Britain, with the exception of Oswego, and leaves Niagara on her return every Wednesday.
Three new boats intended for the navigation of Lake Ontario, will be added during the course of the season, to those now in operation: - the St. George, now completing at Kingston, the Head of the Lake steamer, the Constitution, built last winter at Oakville, and the Cobourg, lately launched at the village whose name she bears. These steamers have been built for the especial convenience of the inhabitants of the places and sections of country, where they are respectively owned, who have hitherto been exposed to much inconvenience in their business and in traveling, from having to depend on the uncertain motions of the other boats which merely call at their ports on ascending and descending the Lake.
The St. George, which was launched this spring, belongs to the company of proprietors, who formerly owned the John By. The engine of the latter, of seventy-five-horse power, made by Bennett & Henderson, of this city, will be placed in the new boat. The St. George, which is built entirely of cedar, is a beautiful boat, about 120 feet long and 25 feet beam. She is to be commanded by Lieut. Harper. R. N. who for a long time commanded a steam-packet in the British Channel.
The Constitution, which is at Oakville, now taking in her engine of seventy-horse power, made by Ward & Col, of this city, will ply between the Head of the Lake and Brockville and Prescott, touching at the intermediate ports. Of her size and conveniences for passengers we have no detailed account.
The Cobourg, which is described as a very beautiful boat, was built last winter by Mr. Hathaway, under the superintendence of Capt. McIntosh (late of the William 1V.) who will command her. She is now at York, taking on board two engines of fifty-horse power each, made by Sheldon,Detcher & Co. of that place. We have not been able to discover in the late Cobourg papers, any particular information as to her dimensions, and the mode in which she has been fitted up for travelers. We understand, however, from a private source, that she is a somewhat larger boat than the William 1V, being above 140 feet long and about 36 feet extreme breadth.
Of the Bay of Quinte boats, we may now add a few particulars. The Sir James Kempt, under the able command of her part owner, Capt. Gilder Sleeve, continues to make her trips with the greatest regularity, leaving Prescott for the Carrying Place every Wednesday and Saturday. The Sir James is a vessel of the largest class, and about one of the fastest steamers now plying on those waters. Her accommodations for passengers are most ample, and every attention is paid to their comfort by her popular commander. The Britannia, we have understood, is a very pretty model, and for speed and accommodation is said to be surpassed by few on the river. She is 109 feet long and 20-½ feet beam; her engine is of fifty-five-horse power, made by Bennett & Henderson. Besides twenty-six berths in her gentlemen’s cabin and sixteen in the ladies, she has a large steerage cabin. The Perseverance is a revival of the old Toronto, which was taken on the stocks and completely renovated. She belongs to John G. Parker, Esq., of Kingston, and is commanded by Capt. Moody. The Perseverance, which does her fair share of the business, leaves Prescott every Monday and Thursday evening. The three Bay of Quinte boats we have mentioned touch, both in ascending and descending, at Brockville, Gananoque, Kingston, Bath, Fredericksburgh, Adolphestown, Hallowell, Culbertson’s, Sophiasburgh, Belleville and River Trent. The Perseverance, in addition, calls at Napanee Mills, once a fortnight, or her downward trips, and is the first boat that ever touched at that place. It will be perceived that the three boats form a daily line (Sundays excepted) from Prescott to Kingston, and from Kingston up the Bay of Quinte, and visa versa.
A new boat, called the Kingston, belonging to John G. Parker, Esq. which was launched there about a month ago and is now nearly completed, will take the place of the Perseverance on this route as soon as she is ready. The Kingston is a fine boat of 110 feet long and 16 feet beam, and will be propelled by an engine of forty five horse power, made by Ward & Co. of this city. She will be commanded by Capt. Moody, now for the Perseverance. Her cabin, which is below, will contain twenty-eight berths, and the ladies (on deck) twelve.
The Caroline commanded by Capt. Ballentine, runs between Ogdensburgh and French Creek, touching at Prescott, Maitland, Morristown, Brockville and Alexandria Bay. She leaves Ogdensburgh on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, returning the following days and touching at the same places.
The following is, we believe, a correct table of the departures of the different boats from Prescott.
Sunday, Queenston.
Monday, -- United States, Perseverance.
Tuesday, United Kingdom, Britannia, Caroline.
Wednesday, -- Great Britain, Sir James Kempt.
Thursday, -- Perseverance, Caroline.
Friday, -- William IV. Britannia.
Saturday, -- Sir James Kempt, Caroline.
A small steamboat is constantly employed as a ferryboat between Ogdensburgh and Prescott.
Mr. Parker proposes to employ the Perseverance on the line of the Rideau, when it is opened for navigation. On the Canal, Mr. Drummond will also run the Rideau, now lengthening and undergoing repairs at Kingston, as well as the new boat which he lately launched, of whose dimensions and proposed power of engine we are not informed.
Two boats, the Charles Carroll and the Brownville, used to ply last seas of between Sacket’s Harbour and Kingston, making daily trips, but they have not commenced operations this year and we are therefore unable to speak positively as to their arrangements.
A new boat called the Black Hawk, 125 feet long, and 30-foot extreme breadth, is nearly ready to commence daily trips between Ogdensburgh and French Creek, and between and latter place and Kingston. We do not know the power of her engine, which is made by Mr. Avery, of Syracuse, who furnished that for the United States.
To those who may have business to transact on both side of Lake Ontario, there will be found plying between Kingston and Sacket’s Harbour and Oswego, a superior class of schooners, filled up as packets, and making, wind and weather permitting, two trips regularly each week.
On the island waters of the Newcastle District, several small steamers are now or will soon be in operation. On the Rice Lake, the Otanabee, a boat about sixty feet long, and propelled by an engine of twelve horse power, owned by a company of proprietors at Port Hope; plys between Bewdley, at the extremity of Rice Lake, and on the Otanabee River, a distance of about thirty five miles as far as Peterboro, calling at the rising villages of Claverton, Campbelltown, and Howard. She makes trips three times a week from Bewdley, which is about twelve miles, we believe, from Port Hope. The Rice Lake, the property of J.G. Bethune, Esq. Propelled by an engine of twenty-one horsepower, leaves Sully (a new village, about fourteen miles from Cobourg, on the Rice Lake) everyday for Peterboro, a distance of about twenty-five miles. A new boat called the Sturgeon, belonging to the same enterprising gentleman, was lately launched at the new village now forming by Thomas Ward. Esq., of Port Hope, on the borders of Chemong Lake (distant a short portage of six miles from Peterboro) The Sturgeon is eight feet long, and an engine of about twenty or twenty-five horse power is now fitting up in her. She is intended to ply from the foot of the communication road leading from Peterboro to Chemong (commonly known as Mud Lake) through Buckhorn and Pidgeon Lakes for the present, and when contemplated improvements are completed, she will add Sturgeon Lake, Scugog River and Lake to her route, making a distance of upwards of sixty miles through waters bounded by the townships of Smith, Ennismore, Emily, Harvey, Verulam, Fenelon, Ops, Cartwright, and Reach, all of which are fast rising into flourishing settlements. It is said, that the new boat, which is described as admirably adapted in point of construction for navigating the chain of waters on which she is to be employed, will be ready in about six weeks. The place of embarkation for travelers, who desire to proceed to the interior of the Newcastle district by this conveyance, will be the village, six mils from Peterboro, already noticed, where the launch took place.
On Lake Simcoe, the Colborne commanded by Capt. McIntosh has commenced her trips round the Lake, touching at al the landing places on both sides. She makes three trips a week, as follows: - leaving Holland Landing on Mondays, touching at Roche’s Point, Upper and Lower Kempenfelt. Oro, and all necessary stopping places on the North side of the lake, and returning from the Narrows on Tuesday, touching at Thorah and Georgiana on the East side; starting on Wednesday by the way of Georgina and Thorah, leaving the Narrows on Thursday, touching on the North side as above; and starting on Friday by way of Kempenfelt and the North side of the lake, the same as on the Mondays, and returning on Saturdays on the East side, always calling at Roche’s Point both up and down.
Among the various boats is none deserve greater credit for regularity and punctuality than that of our friend Capt. Richardson, 'The Canada.' This excellent boat, which was completely renovated and embellished last winter and her machinery put in perfect order makes daily trips between York and Niagara, leaving the former at seven in the morning and the latter at one in the afternoon. Capt. Richardson had long been celebrated for his popularity as the commander of this boat, of which he is also the principal proprietor, and we trust that he will reap the reward his indefatigable exertions fully entitle him to at the hands of a discerning public.
The John By Steamer, built for the Rideau, but found too large for the navigation of the canal, is now the property of Robert Drummond, Esq., of Kingston, who purchased the boat of the company that built her and intends to make her a regular packet between York and Hamilton, touching at the different ports at the head of the lake. This steamer had lately undergone material alterations; her old engine which was found too powerful for a boat of her tonnage, having been taken out, and two new high pressure engines of thirty horse power each, made by Sheldon & Dutcher, of York, put into her. She is to be under the command of Captain, William Kerp, (late of the Brock) a most excellent selection, since that gentleman, so far as relates to the head of the Lake, is said to be the most experienced navigator in the Province. The John By is about 100 tons burthen, and is a beautiful model; her cabins, gentlemen’s and ladies, have been elegantly fitted up. We trust with the York Courier, that the new service in which she is to be engaged will be as profitable to her enterprising owner, as she will be useful to the inhabitants of those parts of the county for whose convenience she is particularly designed.
The Adelaide, the property of Robert Hamilton, Esq., is the first British Steamer that ever plied on Lake Erie. The engine, formerly in the Aleiope, had been fitted into the Adelaide, which is a perfectly new boat, having accommodations for form fifty to sixty cabin passengers, with an awning deck to protect deck passengers from the weather. The Adelaide is commanded by Captain Molloy, who had had from twelve to fourteen years’ experience on Lake Erie, and whose abilities as a seaman are well known. She leaves Chippawa as soon as the passengers by the United Kingdom reach her, and touches at the following ports, Waterloo, Gravelly Bay, Otter Creek, Port Stanley, Rondeat, Point Pelee, Amherstburgh, Sandwich and Detroit. This is a great public convenience to that portion of the Province, as opening a communication by water with a section of the country hitherto only accessible by schooners on our side of the Lake.
A beautiful little steamer, called the Lady Colborne, was lately launched at Chatham, on the river Thames in the Western District. She is of about 100 tons burthen, is considered one of the best models on the Lake, and is intended to ply between Port Stanley and Chippewa on Lake Erie. She had proceeded to Cleveland in Ohio, to take in her machinery, and will be ready to commence her trips in the course of his month.
To those who from business or occupation may wish to avail themselves of a roué by land, stages will be found running regularly from the Carrying place, at the head of the Bay of Quinte, to York and from that town by the shores of Lake Ontario to Hamilton, whereas by other arrangements, they may also journey through the fine villages and beautiful country of the Gore and Niagara Districts to Fort George. From Dundas, which is but a few miles from Hamilton; stages will be found running to Guelph and other portions of the lands of the Canada Company; From Hamilton a line of stages start to Sandwich, in the Western District, passing through London and other towns in the country bordering on Lake Erie. From Port Stanley a sage is now running to ST. Thomas, at which place also, a stage leaves three times a week for London, and another line for Port Talbot. At London passengers can intersect the regular mail stage running between Hamilton and Sandwich.
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